EFox-shop Online store review



About Efox-shop.com

EFOX-shop,   the professional online store from China , offers quality products such as Tablet PCs , China Mobile Phones , Android smart phones , wedding dresses , evening dresses , car DVD players and much more at reasonable prices and short delivery terms. Throughout the year we offer numerous special deals and discounts on remaining stock, and in the winter clearance sales, summer clearance sales, other clearance sales, at Easter services, Christmas sales, sell-offs and sell-offs. In addition, you can get as our customers occasionally gifts and free products.

Website: Efox-shop.com

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1 Comment

  1. eugenjeno@yahoo.com
    July 10, 2015

    – bought a phone(kingzone k1s), after cc 6 months, back camera went dead.
    – efox offered to fix it once i send it over to china
    – found out that postal service with insurance would be quite expensive
    – asked efox to send me by post only the camera and i”ll arrange the replacement of the camera myself
    – 2+ weeks later i got the camera and fixed the problem