Apple wants to ban a book that reveals the secrets of the App Store

A book about Apple App Store written by a former employee of the firm has been published in Germany. The company tries to ban its marketing, believing that it reveals certain trade secrets that it does not want to see it spread on the public square. This will certainly raise the interest of the curious.

It is a book that could have gone unnoticed among all the books available on Amazon or in bookstores. It’s called “App Store Confidential”. It was written by Tom Sadowski at Murmann Verlag editions. It has been on sale in Germany since the beginning of the week. And it is the subject of a complaint on behalf of Apple which wishes that its marketing is prohibited.

Indeed, Apple believes that the book, dedicated to the famous store created in 2008, reveals certain trade secrets that the firm would prefer not to reveal. According to the summary produced by the publisher and accompanying its product sheet, App Store Confidential explains what are the means for an application to be successful on the App Store. The author also talks about his experience with Apple and his meetings with Tim Cook. Because, yes, Tom Sadowsky is a former employee of Apple.

Gizchina News of the week

Credits: dailymail

Local manager of the App Store for five years

And not just any. He managed the App Store for Germany, Switzerland and Austria from 2014 to 2019. He was therefore aware of all the practices of the firm on the application market. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Tom Sadowsky says that Apple knew about the contents of the book long before it was published since a manuscript had been sent to it. In addition, he believes that he had no bad intentions. Quite the contrary: he even hoped that the book would have a beneficial influence.

Lawyers for Apple have sent a letter to the author and his publisher asking that the book be withdrawn from sales, whether online or in stores, that the copies sold will be recalled and that the manuscripts will all be destroyed. If certain requests can potentially be filled, recalling the copies sold will already be much harder. Especially since Amazon sells the book in paper version and in kindle version… As of this writing, he is still there. And this story offers it unexpected publicity.

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