Meizu Pro 5 apparently survives house fire

meizu pro 5 home fire

A Meizu Pro 5 owner has posted photos on social media in China claiming that his Meizu Pro 5 has survived a serious house fire.

The Chinese Weibo user posted photos of the results of a fire at his home. The images shows a burnt out laptop and Apple Watch next to a Meizu Pro 5 which seems to have survived the blaze unscathed.

Gizchina News of the week

We’re not sure how close the Meizu was in proximity to the fire but don’t suggest to try to test this out for yourself at home.

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  1. Beyin Bedava
    June 11, 2016

    Wooow! It has a survive function. So, let me give a try at home! Thank you Meizu!

    • VMortens
      June 11, 2016

      But remember – it will cost you extra … Actually, it will cost everyone extra.

      • Muhammad Yasir
        June 11, 2016

        including certain one time things, like a person’s life if you’re not careful 😀

  2. Karly Johnston
    June 11, 2016

    This phone still costs $100 more than it should.

    • Muhammad Yasir
      June 11, 2016

      haha .. DAMN RIGHT !

      i was so pissed when it was released , because of its pricing.

  3. Muhammad Yasir
    June 11, 2016


  4. MattD
    June 11, 2016

    I would have saved the pro 5 and threw a pro 6 into the flames instead ?

    • balcobomber25
      June 12, 2016

      I would have thrown them both in and used it as an excuse to get another new phone.

      • MattD
        June 12, 2016

        Every excuse is a good excuse, I guess (when you have the money to do so, which sadly is not my case ?)

  5. MadMan
    June 11, 2016

    Low quality PR

    • bro-reac
      June 12, 2016

      Thank you I was going to say the same thing.
      If the heat was that intense and not even a scratch on the Meizu then that is cheap politics. Even metal would bend abit under intense heat.

  6. balcobomber25
    June 12, 2016

    While it is a cool story, there are too many unknown details. Like where in relation to the fire were each of the 3 devices and did the Pro 5 come into contact with the fire.

  7. NextHype
    June 13, 2016

    Meizu’s struggling to recover street cred after the Pro 6 catastrophy… damn that’s cheap

    following news are “Pro 6 saved a baby cat” and “a man recover use of is eyes after using a Pro 6”

  8. Mark Hedley
    June 13, 2016

    PR WANK stunt? lame either way – total bull shit, if a fire that big took hold EVERYTHING would burn! Andi, get real with your stories dude! Gizchina is losing respect! Click bait shit posts. Shameful!