Extend Your Android Battery with These 10 Simple Changes

Modern Android smartphones are powerhouses, capable of handling demanding tasks like complex gaming, high-resolution video streaming, and seamless multitasking. However, this impressive functionality comes at a cost – battery drain. Well, that’s not all, in as much as we all love the high refresh rates on our smartphones, it also comes at a cost – battery drain. Oh, and let’s not forget the new trend of nits. Brighter displays have found their ways into our hearts especially when using our smartphones outside during the day. Button line is, everyone loves to see their new smartphones come with new features that make their lives easier but these features could end up making life a lot more frustrating if we don’t learn how to manage them properly. I mean, what’s the essence of all these features if your battery dies halfway down the way? 

We’ve all experienced the frustration of a rapidly dwindling battery percentage, especially at times when we need our phones the most. Whether you’re on a long commute, capturing unforgettable travel moments, or simply need your phone for work emergencies, a reliable battery life is essential.

Fortunately, numerous settings and practices can significantly improve your Android smartphone’s battery life. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top 10 settings you can adjust to squeeze the most juice out of your device:

1. Tame the Brightness Android Battery

The display is one of the biggest battery guzzlers on your Android phone. Lowering the screen brightness is a straightforward and effective way to conserve battery life. Most Android devices offer a built-in brightness slider in the notification panel. Swipe down from the top of your screen and adjust the brightness to a comfortable level. You can also enable “Adaptive Brightness,” which automatically adjusts the screen brightness based on ambient light conditions.

How to Adjust Brightness and Screen Timeout on Your Phone:

1. Adjust Brightness:

   – Swipe down once or twice from the top of your phone’s display to open the quick settings menu.

   – Locate the brightness slider with an icon of a sun or light source.

   – Drag the slider to the left to decrease your screen brightness.

2. Change Screen Timeout:

   – Open the “Settings” app.

   – Go to “Display.”

   – Find and tap on “Screen timeout.”

   – Set it to anything below a minute to reduce the time it takes for your phone to sleep.

2. Embrace Dark ModeAndroid Battery

Many Android apps and the system interface itself now offer a dark mode option. Dark mode typically utilizes darker backgrounds and lighter text, which consumes less battery power compared to a bright white interface. Explore the settings menus of your individual apps and the system settings to locate and enable dark mode whenever available.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Android Phone:

1. Open Settings:

   – Navigate to the “Settings” app on your phone.

2. Go to Display:

   – Tap on “Display.”

3. Enable Dark Mode:

   – Find the option to switch between light and dark themes.

   – Toggle the dark mode option to turn it on.

4. Set Dark Mode Schedule (Optional):

   – You can set dark mode to turn on automatically at a certain time of day. Look for the scheduling option and set your preferred times.

5. Maximize Battery Life:

   – For maximum battery life, it’s recommended to keep dark mode turned on all the time.

3. Put Location Services on a Leash

Location services, while crucial for navigation apps and location-based features, can drain your battery in the background. Review your location settings and disable location access for apps that don’t require it constantly. You can usually access location settings through the Security & Location menu in your system settings.

4. Silence the Background Chatter

Many apps continue to run background processes even when you’re not actively using them. This can drain battery life unnecessarily. Android offers built-in features to restrict background activity. Navigate to the Settings menu and locate the “Battery” or “Apps & notifications” section. Find options to restrict background activity or put specific apps to sleep to minimize their battery consumption.

How to Manage Quick Settings on Your Android Phone:

1. Access Quick Settings:

   – Swipe down once or twice from the top of your phone’s display to open the quick settings panel.

2. Toggle Settings On and Off:

   – In the quick settings panel, you’ll find icons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, location, airplane mode, and more.

   – Touch each icon once to turn it off. Touch it again to turn it back on.

3. Alternative Method:

   – You can also control these settings through the “Settings” app. Navigate to specific settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc., to manage them in more detail.

Using quick settings is the easiest and quickest way to toggle these settings on and off as needed.

5. Optimize Refresh RatesAndroid Battery

Some high-end Android smartphones boast displays with high refresh rates, which can deliver smoother scrolling and animations. However, these features come at the cost of increased battery consumption. If your phone offers a refresh rate setting (usually under Display settings), consider lowering it to a standard 60Hz for better battery life, especially if you don’t notice a significant difference in smoothness at higher refresh rates.

How to Change Your Phone’s Refresh Rate:

1. Open the Settings App:

   – Navigate to the Display section.

2. Find Refresh Rate Settings:

   – Look for the setting related to refresh rate. It might be labeled differently depending on your phone:

     – Google: “Smooth Display”

     – Samsung: “Motion smoothness”

3. Adjust the Refresh Rate:

   – Revert to the standard refresh rate, usually 60Hz.

   – Note: Your screen may appear choppier, which is normal. It means it’s now operating at 60Hz, which was the standard for all phones until recently.

6. Leverage Battery Saver Mode Android Battery

Most Android devices come equipped with a built-in Battery Saver mode. This mode restricts background activity, reduces processor performance, and limits visual effects to conserve battery life. When your battery level drops to a certain point (usually customizable), Battery Saver mode can be automatically triggered, or you can manually activate it through the notification panel or Battery settings.

How to Enable Adaptive Battery on Your Android Phone:

1. Open Settings:

   – Navigate to the “Settings” app on your phone.

2. Go to Battery:

   – Tap on “Battery.”

3. Open Adaptive Preferences:

   – Tap on “Adaptive preferences.”

4. Enable Adaptive Battery:

   – Ensure “Adaptive battery” is enabled. If it’s not, flick the toggle to turn it on.

7. Disable Unnecessary Vibrations and Haptics

While helpful for notifications, vibrations and haptic feedback on key presses can consume additional battery power. Consider disabling them for features where they’re not crucial. You can usually adjust these settings through the Sound & vibration section in your system settings.

How to Disable Keypress Sound and Haptic Feedback on Gboard

1. Open Settings:

   – Navigate to the “Settings” app on your phone.

2. Locate Language and Input:

   – Find and tap on “Language and input.”

3. Choose Your Default Keyboard:

   – Tap on the section to choose your default keyboard.

4. Manage Keyboard Settings:

   – Tap the gear icon next to your default keyboard. If you use Gboard, follow the next steps.

5. Gboard Users:

   – Go to “Preferences.”

   – Tap on “Key press.”

   – Disable “Sound on keypress.”

   – Disable “Haptic feedback on keypress.”

8. Review and Limit Push Notifications

 Constant notification alerts can not only be distracting but also drain your battery. Review your notification settings for each app and disable notifications for those you don’t consider essential. This reduces the frequency your phone wakes up to display notifications, saving battery life.

How to Disable App Notifications:

1. Open Settings:

   – Navigate to the “Settings” app on your phone.

2. Go to Notifications:

   – Tap on “Notifications.”

3. Select App Notifications:

   – Tap on “App notifications” to see a list of all the installed apps.

4. Disable Notifications for Specific Apps:

   – Use the toggles next to each app to disable all notifications for that app. Simply flip the toggle to turn off notifications.

9. Manage Automatic App Updates Automatic Apps Update

While automatic app updates ensure you have the latest features and security patches, they can occur in the background and consume battery life. You can adjust app update settings through the Play Store menu. Consider choosing to update apps only when your phone is charging or connected to Wi-Fi to minimize the battery impact.

10. Keep Your Software Up-to-Date

While it might seem counterintuitive, keeping your Android system software and app versions up-to-date can actually improve battery life. Updates often include optimizations and bug fixes that address battery drain issues. Regularly check for software updates through the System Settings menu and install them promptly.

Conclusion: Mastering the Battery Management Game

Maximizing your Android smartphone’s battery life doesn’t require drastic changes to your usage habits. By implementing these simple tweaks and adjustments to your device’s settings, you can experience a noticeable improvement in how long your phone stays powered on. Remember, a little goes a long way. Lowering screen brightness by a few notches, disabling unnecessary background activity, and managing push notifications can significantly extend your battery life. By adopting these strategies, you can ensure your Android smartphone remains a reliable companion throughout your day, allowing you to stay connected, informed, and productive, without the constant worry of a dwindling battery.

Furthermore, don’t hesitate to experiment and find the settings that best suit your usage patterns. While some users might prioritize a brighter display for optimal viewing experience, others might be comfortable sacrificing some visual crispness for longer battery life. The key is to find the sweet spot between functionality and battery efficiency. With a little awareness and these simple adjustments, you can conquer the battery drain challenge and unlock the full potential of your Android smartphone.

Source / Via: ZDNet

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