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What are NFTs and how they will change the game industry

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NFTs: Even if you are not into the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, you have probably come across this subject when following gaming news. Touted …


According to the Russian “Kommersant” report, a study by Group-IB shows that in 2021, Russia’s Internet piracy market will drop to $50 million. For the …

Microsoft Minecraft

Mojang, a game developer under Microsoft, today updated the Minecraft usage guidelines to prohibit the use of blockchain technology, including NFTs. These technologies cannot be …

British Army Twitter and YouTube

Recently, users saw cryptocurrency-related NFT content coming from the British military Twitter account. Obviously, this was a massive surprise for them. The fact is that …

The non-fungible token (NFT) market is highly unpredictable, as evidenced by the recent auction held on the OpenSea platform. The head of the Malaysian blockchain …

nfts Investment

The UK government has announced plans to launch its own non-fungible token (NFT) as part of its quest to become the “world leader” in cryptocurrencies. …

OpenSea, one of the most popular and well-known NFT trading platforms, suffered a hacker attack, possibly a phishing campaign, which compromised 32 accounts and caused …