Xiaomi laptop leaks with pictures and specs

Xiaomi has had a tremendous 2014, save for a few hiccups that the end. The company finally stepped out of China and is already a big name in the new markets it ventured in. It also launched its first ever tablet, the Mi Pad this year which still happens to be one of the best budget slates around.

It appears as though the success of this tablet has encouraged Xiaomi to make its very own laptop. There are talks of another Xiaomi phone for next month, which will most probably be a Redmi Note successor (or another flagship?), and a possible Xiaomi Mi 5 for later next year. Anyway, to cut to the chase, here’s some pictures of the purported leaked device for you to look at and draw your conclusion:

Gizchina News of the week

According to the source, the laptop will have a 15-inch 1920 x 1080p display along with an Intel i7 chip and a massive 16GB RAM. It is tipped to be priced only at 2,999 CNY or US$480, which sounds like quite a bargain — like every other Xiaomi product.

As was the case with the Mi Pad, leaks started well in advance to the actual launch, which could be the case here also. If you were to ask me, I wouldn’t really bet my money on a Xiaomi laptop for the next 6 months at least, but then you never know.

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  1. Adam Irvine
    December 29, 2014

    I’d definitely buy one if it’s that spec and price!!!

  2. Vijay Sud
    December 29, 2014

    Tempting buy ETA Indian would not be before 2016…

  3. Darevintage
    December 29, 2014

    Seriously? 16gb RAM? i7 processor? $480? Maybe there’s a mistake in the ‘leak’. If they pull this off…hmm…till then

    • January 3, 2015

      Unless it is a Chromebook…

      There’s little sense in sending a PC to a sure killing in the market.

      What it would run…Windows Mi????


      • balcobomber25
        January 3, 2015

        Maybe it will run MIUI. HP sells an Android powered notebook. Could also be a custom version of Linux with MIUI integrated into it.

  4. December 29, 2014

    Darn, sounds amazing! wondering what GPU it will use though, but either way still is great. By the way do you know any laptops that have good specs but still come at a reasonable price point from china? or just in general

  5. iKosh
    December 29, 2014

    Does it run OSX?

    • December 29, 2014

      No, and it doesn’t make coffee…

    • Marius Cirsta
      December 29, 2014

      Well not out of the box, no. Buy you can try and install hackintosh on almost every other laptop out there.

      • iKosh
        January 3, 2015

        Do you know any sources where I can learn more about that. My brother bought an HP today and I need to install some system for him. If not I’ll probably download Ubuntu.

        • Marius Cirsta
          January 3, 2015

          I actually do advise installing Kubuntu on it which is Ubuntu with KDE which is more to my linking than the Ubuntu UI. You can check out how Kubuntu looks on youtube though and compare it to Ubuntu.
          While it is possible to install OS X on a laptop with an Intel CPU it’s often very hard, stuff tend no to work and in the end the experience is not great at all.
          I mean no offense but if you’re not the geeky type you’re much better off with Kubuntu/Ubuntu or Windows.

          • iKosh
            January 5, 2015

            Thanks, I will consider Kubuntu as an option. My brothers HP Probook came with Linux and I just think it’s not at the same level as the hardware.
            Personally I’m a longtime Apple user, usually buying older macs because of their price but I’m satisfied with the experience. I don’t do work and I don’t do gaming so they are good enough for me.

  6. Andrew P
    December 29, 2014

    Oh how I wish that Xiaomi would start selling these products for international market, and almost same price…

    • December 29, 2014

      did you notice that there’s no mention of actual HD or flash storage?

      the hardware described sounds ideal for a chromebook, but with the recent crackdown on gmail in the mainland, it’s clear they have to have some other OS plan… at least for the Chinese domestic market.

      • Bluegrapes
        December 30, 2014

        SSD prices have really gone down lately. A 128GB SSD that’s up gradable would be perfect if this is real.

      • balcobomber25
        January 2, 2015

        An i7 powered Chromebook with 16gb of RAM?? Talk about overkill. There is not much you can do on a Chromebook that would ever require that much power or memory.

        This comment was typed on a Chromebook, an Arm Powered Chromebook with 1GB of RAM. Even being almost 2 years old it is still faster than most laptops with much more power.

  7. December 29, 2014

    That logo needs to be in monochrome.

  8. Natsumi
    December 29, 2014

    If they sold them with a Spanish keyboard….. I can’t find decent models with one!!!!! dammit Q___Q always English…

  9. Hello there
    December 29, 2014

    This picture was used years ago by some webshops to sell fake Xiaomi Laptops.

  10. tilmue
    December 29, 2014

    MiBook Air.

  11. trapchan
    December 29, 2014

    Looks like thick Macbook Air.

  12. laserOS
    December 29, 2014
  13. realjjj
    December 29, 2014

    No idea why you guys keep publishing obvious fakes.

    • highwind
      December 29, 2014

      Because it is XI-A-O-MI, the number 1 wanna-be-hipster-brand in the eastern world!!!

    • astosenix
      December 30, 2014

      Maybe because people like me want to read it.
      No idea why you read it and post here if it’s bothering you so much.

  14. Dr Solom
    December 29, 2014

    i think these component are fake ..but i can say i7 processor +8 gig ram +2 gig nividia + FHD screen + 500 $ is a great deal

  15. DrUrden
    December 29, 2014

    Think its fake,

    On the top picture there is the Mi Logo, which is obviously photoshopped (looking at the angle of the logo). Further more there is mentioned 15 inch screen, but the keyboard layout is telling otherwise. I’d say based on the image, we’re looking at a 13inch device. Then again, a core i7 + 16 gigs of RAM for 480 US dollars? I’d be the first one to buy it, if it were true!

  16. Shinshin
    December 29, 2014

    Are you serious?! only now?! Pictures are floating around for months!!


  17. Airyl
    December 29, 2014

    By the power of PHOTOSHOOOOOOOP!!!

  18. liljohn
    December 29, 2014

    add numpad and alineware’s-alienfx-like backlit keyboard and touchpad please, i’m in the buyer’s queue

  19. Danial
    December 30, 2014

    Fake as fuck 😛
    Mi4 a 5 inch device with 2gb ram and a mobile processor costs over 300$
    How stupid should one be to believe a 15 inch fhd display + Intel i7 + 16gb ram + huge main board + a probable ssd storage + Body + keyboard Costs 480$?
    Seriously Andi? Seriously?

    • balcobomber25
      December 30, 2014

      There is no comparison to make between a laptop and a smartphone. They use completely different components largely from different manufacturers. Laptop parts don’t cost nearly as much as smartphone parts do. Just doing a quick internet search I found several i7 laptops (8-12GB of RAM) for less than $600. Considering Xiaomi sells everything at cost in hopes of making the money back from the Mi Store and Advertising $480 might not be that far off.

      • David Košič
        December 30, 2014

        Yes however the profits on laptops are already paper thin as it is. Just the raw parts for laptop with these specs should be around 500$ easily if not more. Not to mention the manufacturing costs or the packaging. There is a reason why laptops with these specs cost around 700+ easily.

        • balcobomber25
          December 30, 2014

          They sell for over $700 because both the manufacturer (HP, Lenovo etc) and the retailer have to make some sort of profit on the laptop. If they sold them at or near cost (which is what Xiaomi does with most of its devices) they would sell for under$ 500.

          • David Košič
            December 30, 2014

            I don’t think that profits are so good on laptops. Samsung and Sony already left the laptop race.

            • trapchan
              December 30, 2014

              guess what, only Sony did.

            • balcobomber25
              January 2, 2015

              The profits aren’t great because Tablets, Smart Phones and Chromebooks are taking over but there are still profits to be made. Samsung stopped selling them in Europe but that was such a small percentage of their overall business. Samsung still sells laptops throughout Asia and North America the two largest markets.

  20. Airyl
    December 30, 2014

    The picture is fake, and the specs sound too high for a $480 laptop. It could be running some sort of Linux distribution, but even then it’s still a stretch.

  21. Aeonia
    December 30, 2014

    Throw in an nvidia 860m and am sold..

    • David Košič
      December 30, 2014

      lol anything else you want ?

      • trapchan
        December 30, 2014

        Windows 10

  22. nietjason
    December 30, 2014

    If only it had a dedicated gpu

  23. mannaoz
    December 30, 2014

    That little devil looks suspiciously like my Grefu C41. I have it running Windows 8.1. Mine has 4gig ram and a 500 gig HDD. Only cost me $295.00 great little machine with a few quirks.

  24. dutchgio
    December 30, 2014

    This is old, some shops had it on their site a year ago alteady, but it never came out and thus was always out of stock.
    It also does ‘t look like Xiaomi, more likely a macbook with Mi logo’s.

  25. zhongtiao1
    December 30, 2014

    If this is real, I would guess it to have either Ubuntu Kylin or Android (MIUI optimized or laptops?) and probably come with a 16GB ROM. The i7 is most likely fake unless xiaomi has a wholesale deal to buy i7 processors for under $100 USD. I’m guessing 3GB of RAM (or 4) with the 16GB ROM for $480 and the 15 inch screen. Maybe even a place for a sim card so that it gets 4G support.

  26. Bailey
    January 1, 2015

    I read an article about this laptop somewhere else and Xiaomi said the laptop in the picture had nothing to do with them.