Another OnePlus One allegedly explodes

oneplus explosion

OnePlus have been in the spotlight for various reasons since they exploded on to the smartphone scene last year, it isn’t just the company combusting though! Their phones are allegedly doing the same too!

Imagine waking in the night to find that your phone was on fire! Now imagine that you woke to find your phone on fire next to your bed! This is exactly what happened to Ankur Dugar this weekend when the OPO owner woke to the smell of smoke. In this instance the user was lucky enough to wake up in time to put the fire out, but in another incident last year a OPO was reported to have exploded in the back pocket of a user in France.

Gizchina News of the week

Dugar has contacted OnePlus customer service who advised him to said his phone to their customer service and will receive a replacement if it is proven that the phone was faulty, but who have since offered him a replacement without needing to return the phone.

The incident isn’t over yet though as a lawyer has been drafted in and we might see OnePlus in a little legal trouble if things go to court.

What do you think of this? Would you be happy with just a phone replacement or would you want OnePlus to offer a payment to cover any other damages and distress the customer faced?

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  1. mf1gt3r
    August 31, 2015

    Now that’s a scary occurrence. Reminds me of the cell phone blowing open a womans head in “law abiding citizen”.

    • Dante
      August 31, 2015

      YOU might be NEXT – Save the world NOW by signing a petition for the total anihilation of the smartphone race

  2. MaxPower
    August 31, 2015

    I hope it explodes on my wife’s face:
    I’ve just found out she cheats on me

    • Alexis T
      September 1, 2015

      That shouldn’t be a surprise for you, knowing how much time you spend posting comments on GizChina. Wouldn’t be surprised either if she’s cheating on you with Andi 😀

      • MaxPower
        September 1, 2015

        it probably takes more to read all the comments than write one, so you better watch out 😀

  3. jimberkas
    August 31, 2015

    Probably a new marketing gimmick for Oneplus. They probably planted a time bomb in the phone, forcing people to upgrade to the OPT.
    seriously, this is pretty poor timing for the OPT which faces an uphill battle the way it is…

    • Alexis T
      September 1, 2015

      Or perfect timing for the commercial opponent who paid this Indian ? One can’t always rely on traditional marketing when M$ are in play ^^

  4. AdM
    August 31, 2015

    Normally, that’s the kind of behavior you’ll have when a lithium-ion battery has been punctured or it suffered a high degree of pressure.
    If the battery is damaged, the components of the battery will react with the O2 present in the air and a short will occur, it will ignite in a highly thermal energy reaction release.

  5. Chandra
    September 1, 2015

    Last night my Duracell AAA battery exploded inside my wireless mouse. Strange though happened to me for the first time.

  6. Ruby
    September 1, 2015

    I’ll be careful what pocket I put my OPO in from now on..