Just a Rumour: Siswoo have not bought Zopo

siswoo r9 darkmoon review

We were contacted earlier today by readers asking if rumours of Siswoo’s take over of Zopo were true. After contacting both companies we can confirm the details are indeed false.

An article talking about the demise of certain Chinese phone makers posted over on GizChina.de recently has sparked rumours that Siswoo my have bought Zopo. The article speaks about the disappearance of Chinese phone brands THL and iOcean and mentions that Zopo may have been bought by Siswoo, the evidence being that Zopo’s German contact has changed to Siswoo.

In actual fact the German distributors of Zopo are now working with Siswoo instead and that’s where the story starts and ends.

Gizchina News of the week

We have spoken to both Zopo and Siswoo executives who confirm the story is false, Siswoo even joking said that the story would make a good entry to their Spooky Halloween competition.

The rest of the GizChina.de article makes for an interesting read and gives a brief rundown and history of how both THL and iOcean disappeared from the market. Check it out here.


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1 Comment

  1. MattD
    October 16, 2015

    I googletranslated the article out at gizchina. de, and it’s quite interesting I’ve got to say.
    I’m particularly pissed off with thl: they did well with the thl 5000, but instead of confirming the pro version with mt6595 that was rumored for months, they kept on raising the price of the standard version and came out with that crappy thl 2015, perhaps sold at high price… Really a disappointment! No wonder now they’re gone…