UMi tease Helio X10 powered, 4GB RAM flagship for $199

umi helio x10 flagship

Hello X10, 4GB RAM and a price tag of just $199! Is this another competivily priced flagship from OnePlus? No, its another headline grabber from UMi.

UMi are once again after the headlines with news that they are working on a new flagship device that will pack the popular Mediatek Helio X10 chipset, and 4GB RAM with a price tag of only $199! This comes just after the company claimed to have received 100,000 pre-orders for the UMi Rome, a phone with 3GB RAM and AMOLED panel at only $89 (during the pre-sale event).

Gizchina News of the week

The details of the new UMi flagship also came with a teaser photo, showing a gold bodied phone sitting in a Christmas Tree. The phones body seems to be a unibody design and we can see a 3.5mm headphone jack and (perhaps) IR remote in the top.

With 4GB RAM and a Helio X10 the phone is going to go up against devices like the Meizu MX5, Meizu Metal, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, and the LeTV Le1s. We assume that we can also expect to see a fingerprint scanner on the flagship like the UMi Iron Pro.

We wait to see if the $199 price tag is the final retail price of a pre-sale offer, when the phone is officially unveiled.

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  1. December 9, 2015

    Have to concede that UMi have been up to some interesting stuff lately. The kind of stuff that pushes the market ahead.

    • Muhammad Yasir
      December 9, 2015

      and i HIGHLY appreciate that !

      • December 9, 2015

        GizChina IS the source.

        • Muhammad Yasir
          December 9, 2015

          wow …

      • Tajwar
        December 9, 2015

        • Muhammad Yasir
          December 9, 2015

          it doesnt exist …

          • Tajwar
            December 9, 2015


            • Muhammad Yasir
              December 10, 2015

              so the source is … bubkes :p ?

      • MattD
        December 9, 2015

        Gizchina actually have some sources at umi (i remember their interview with the ceo), so expect to read news here ahead of everywhere else about umi’s things! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Muhammad Yasir
          December 10, 2015

          hence that brag by Yash :p

    • MattD
      December 9, 2015

      Yep, especially if this umi zero 2 will actually have a version with e-ink screen like sources told months ago…

  2. Muhammad Yasir
    December 9, 2015

    I call …. FUCKING BULLSHIT on this one !
    the $199 is prolly a flash sale price for ‘limited’ pieces only …

    and those sons of bitches , namely resellers ,

    will hike the price to ATLEAST $300 , citing the impressive hardware as chief reason and excuse for their shitty antics !

    don’t mean to be a negative nancy , but im just hitting you guys with the hard truth , so it doesnt hit like a truck later on !

    • Ismit
      December 9, 2015

      please stop cursing!!!

      • balcobomber25
        December 9, 2015

        Mohammed is a very angry boy at times….

        • Muhammad Yasir
          December 9, 2015

          NOT angry … just being a bit proclaiming

        • Angry Mobile Nerd
          December 9, 2015

          I now dub him… Angry Muhammad Yasir!

          • Muhammad Yasir
            December 10, 2015

            ok ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 9, 2015

        whats it to you -_-

    • Daniel Golicki
      December 9, 2015

      chill bro

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 9, 2015

        just giving out hard truth ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Yeti hand
      December 9, 2015

      So true

    • balcobomber25
      December 9, 2015

      It probably will be a flash sale, but thats not exactly BS. If some consumers are able to buy the phone for that price than they aren’t lying about it. I could see resellers selling this for around $249 which is still an incredible deal for a phone with this kit.

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 9, 2015

        but not for me :'(

      • Adam Irvine
        December 9, 2015

        I always feel like these flash sale things are fixed anyway… Its just another crap type of dodgy marketing

        • balcobomber25
          December 10, 2015

          I used to think that until I actually won one.

      • E8hffff
        December 9, 2015

        The details are a little lack at the moment but what is said is good indicators. It now comes down to the quality of the screen and camera specs.

    • December 9, 2015

      199 with random taxes and shipping becomes magically 280โ‚ฌ ๐Ÿ™‚

      • MattD
        December 9, 2015

        *280 with every normal shop’s shipping… With gizchina’s shipping, it will be 400+ โ‚ฌ! ๐Ÿ˜€

        • December 9, 2015

          I hope not ๐Ÿ˜€

          • MattD
            December 9, 2015

            Let’s just say they don’t sell sub-100$ phones because you’d double the price with shipping! xD

            • December 10, 2015


        • December 10, 2015

          ah ma sei italiano anche tu!!!

          • MattD
            December 10, 2015

            Esatto! ๐Ÿ™‚ mi ricordo di te (e della tua foto profilo lol), mi sembra sul gizchina it giusto?

            • December 10, 2015

              ehehehehe si esatto!

            • MattD
              December 10, 2015

              La tua immagine รจ difficile da scordare in effetti: mi ricorda quando a 4 anni vidi It e non dormii per qualche mese, oltre all’ovvia fobia per i clown… Bei tempi! :’)

              Comunque stiamo iniziando a fare una community italiana qua dentro… Del resto io mi sto iniziando a stancare di gizchina it: in home c’รจ 1 articolo loro e 10 di gizblog… Sta diventando una cosa un po’ ridicola :-/

            • December 10, 2015

              eheheheheh mitico IT.

              quella roba gizblog invece proprio non mi piace, comunque lieto di aver trovato un altro appassionato di telef “cinesi”

            • MaxPower
              December 10, 2015

              senza contare che il fatto che li i commenti devono essere approvati.
              Gran rottura di ….

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 10, 2015

        haahah !

        • December 10, 2015

          By the way, I’d like to buy it at 199 but 199 with SHIPPING and TAXES ๐Ÿ™‚

    • MattD
      December 9, 2015

      See it like that: the ones willing to trust the company, will have a lower price but possibly every issue in the device too… The ones waiting for reviews will pay an higher price, but they’ll know what they’re buying and, if it’s not worth it, they can always buy something else… ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 10, 2015

        thats a nice twist
        *clap clap*

    • Dante
      December 11, 2015

      there is no fucking need to fucking be fucking rude fucking other fucking companies fucking their fucking lying fucking customers

      • Muhammad Yasir
        December 11, 2015

        ok you ironic rascal :p

  3. greg
    December 9, 2015

    If they manage to add 3G and or LTE bands for the US Iยดll get one

    • Michael Samuel
      December 10, 2015

      I just bought the hammer S and I’m able to.get.4g lte in the United States. So with that being said I hope with this new phone from Umi.coming out they provide the same band frequencies.

  4. MattD
    December 9, 2015

    Umi zero 2 confirmed!
    Ages ago they announced many teasers about this, but so far there were only a few… At least we know it’s real (plus teasers say 20mpx camera and option for a leather back… Can’t remember anything else so far)

  5. Aeonia
    December 9, 2015

    Shame about the CPU…could have been a hot sell with the Helio x20 and with all that ram.

    • MattD
      December 9, 2015

      Searh “umi zero 2” here on gizchina: they already tell why they won’t use x20!

    • Rene
      December 10, 2015

      Shame?!?! The Helio X10 is still quite respectable and if the software its running on is well optimised there would be no massive discernible difference between it and the X20 in real world usage (forget benchmarks, they mean nothing)

  6. Xalis
    December 9, 2015

    Anyone knows if Asus discontinued the Zenfone 2? right now it’s hard to find on reseller websites and the few that still have it the price is way too high.

    • Mario Pruteanu
      December 9, 2015

      Look on etotalk. Its like 229 for 4gb ram and 32 gb space.

      • E8hffff
        December 9, 2015

        He may mean the Zenfone 3.

        • Dante
          December 10, 2015

          :I lets go buy the Elephone p10000 then , there is no zenfone 3 yet

  7. jimberkas
    December 9, 2015

    if rootjoy works on this phone and i can actually get it for this price, i’ll give it a try

  8. Galindo
    December 9, 2015

    Just another Umi Photo Phone! umi with elephone as its a super low price, and then sell high outrageous price, deceive all consumers, manufacturers in China, and only ulefone and Zopo brand is honest, I would not buy any UMI phone, they just propaganda a point, others are junk materials, do not be deceived.

    • Dante
      December 10, 2015

      no offense but i cant see a difference from a ulefone bot/employee and you in the last time “Ulefone dis , Ulefone zhat , Ulefone zhe bast”

  9. ryannick
    December 9, 2015

    Those who bought Umi Iron and Umi Iron Pro who regret it dead, and umi emax, they should continue to wait umi Max Max, perhaps until 2020, they will be able to buy this $ 199 price Helio X10 4GB RAM the umi phone.

    • Rene
      December 10, 2015

      I owned the Umi Emax for many months, it was an absolutely fantastic phone.

  10. Robert&T
    December 9, 2015

    So far, UMI has made only one phone, that is UMI Zero. Afterwards, what they do havs always been creating rubbish in the name of Iron, eMax, Rome (the crap of craps), and more to come. Umi, can you just make good phones? People will not mind spend 20 more bucks. You just don’t understand.

    • bassa
      December 11, 2015

      what you think about hammer

  11. tick
    December 9, 2015

    My old question. if could provide good quality, using experience and after sale services? be sober to any low price + entry level spec smartphones. no perfect products exist with low price, we should pay more attention to what these kinds of “impressive hardware” phones lack of

  12. Dante
    December 10, 2015

    is this the Zero 2 , Let the hype train begin and let it crash like the first one , Fck you umi , fk you

  13. MrRoboto
    December 10, 2015

    UMI too late!!!!!
    I was about to pull the trigger and buy this :

    or maybe wait for the Mi5

  14. bassa
    December 11, 2015

    please we need good camera!

  15. Amaan yahya
    January 2, 2016

    Hello x10?lol