Poll: Front or rear fingerprint scanner?

A recent press release had us wondering which fingerprint location really is the most prefered? Which do you like front or rear?

UMi sent over one of their ‘news’ pieces earlier tell us the benefits of why the decided to place the fingerprint scanner on the front of their up coming UMi Touch model. Benefits they came up with were that you can use it in numerous situations but ultimately its more natural to use your thumb on the chin of a phone.

I don’t agree, and much prefer a rear fingerprint scanner. I find my index finger naturally rests on the scanner when I hold the a phone, and with the scanner on the rear the phone can be designed to be more compact.

Gizchina News of the week

vivo xplay5 hands on

It has got me wondering though, and I thought I would create this poll to see what your fingerprint scanner location preference is.

Take a vote below, and leave your reasons for your choice in the comments section below.

[poll id=”5″]

Also, in UMi’s news was a link to their latest flash sale on Amazon for phones and headphones.

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  1. realjjj
    March 2, 2016

    There should be 5 options. None at all, side and screen integration should be added.
    My vote would go for no biometrics at all since a password you can’t change or conceal is simply too much of a risk.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      why cant they make fingerprint passwords? by making the direction/orientation of the fingerprint be a single character? making it changeable? a thumbs up for biometrics again?

      • realjjj
        March 2, 2016

        Not very sure what you are saying.
        What i mean is that the fingerprint is the password and you can’t change it or hide it. It’s there for anyone to “steal it” and once compromised , you can’t change it.
        Biometrics are convenient but offer weak security.

        • Assefa Hanson
          March 2, 2016

          i mean it could be changeable, e.g this is your fingerprint (I)
          and im saying make the orientation a character for a “fingerprint password/pin” (right) etc maybe even make the duration of the scan itself another layer of security

          • realjjj
            March 2, 2016

            That kills convenience.

            • Assefa Hanson
              March 2, 2016

              that wasnt the subject, it was security, it does kill convineince but i have proved my point

  2. Assefa Hanson
    March 2, 2016

    front is terrible, with back sensor you can take selfies and maneuver the phone without hand gymnastics only plus for the fron is if its lying on a table, but maybe side fingerprint sensors are the greatest

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      How can you not take selfies with a front lol?

      • Assefa Hanson
        March 2, 2016

        no its the gymnastics as in using the front fingerprint scanner as the shutter button

        • balcobomber25
          March 2, 2016

          I just use my thumb, it’s a natural motion the way i hold my phone.

  3. Marco Lancaster
    March 2, 2016

    I prefer rear, I have big hands, like a basketball player lol
    So it’s more intuitive for me as my hand rests right on the right place.
    By the way, the issue with rear fingerprint is you can’t use it when the phone is placed over a desk.
    I don’t like front ones, because they take some space on the front (Just my opinion) and sometimes doesn’t look good. Save phones from Meizu series, their fingerprints looks cool and fits fine with the rest of phone’s design.

    • MinusPlusDivide
      March 5, 2016

      I don’t have big hand and I prefer rear. And I don’t see myself use the phone on the desk many time at all, if I use on the desk that mostly when I look for the time or notification which can easily get by double tap to light the screen.

  4. balcobomber25
    March 2, 2016

    I like the front for the simple reason that I can unlock without picking the phone up. This comes in handy when I am working and my phone is on my desk.

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      Link to PC like normal people

      • balcobomber25
        March 2, 2016

        Not possible at my job and many jobs that “normal” people work at.

        • realjjj
          March 2, 2016

          Great way to decrease productivity, remain in the technological stone age lol.

          • balcobomber25
            March 2, 2016

            Or having a secure network, and not allowing people to install random crap on their work computers.

            • MaxPower
              March 2, 2016

              It doesn’t matter how educate your employees are, the best way to stay away from troubles is just to prevent people doing it rather than define lot of restricting policies.

              It might sound unfair but that’s the best way to be productive

            • balcobomber25
              March 2, 2016

              Exactly and most companies operate this way. Allowing people to use a work computer however they please opens up pandora’s box of issues.

            • realjjj
              March 2, 2016

              why does it have to be random? cos you need to win?
              if your IT folks are morons and so are your bosses, fine but why defend them?

            • balcobomber25
              March 2, 2016

              Why do you have to insult people you don’t know? Cause you need to win? I work for one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world. They don’t allow people to download anything that is not company related. And almost every company I have worked for (all of them in the technology and government sector) have been the same exact way. Maybe your line of work is different but most people I know aren’t allowed to do that at work.

            • realjjj
              March 2, 2016

              This would be an app that increases productivity and should be in anyone’s arsenal. I have never argued that it should be random.
              You just need to force the idea that it is random,and unauthorized.
              As for being technologically advanced, one can’t be that if you can’t even mirror your damn phone on your PC. What’s more basic than that?

            • balcobomber25
              March 2, 2016

              Checking my personal email, texts, facebook etc at work doesn’t help productivity, it hurts it. It is a random app, it has literally nothing to do with work.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      get a side fingerprint 😛

      • balcobomber25
        March 2, 2016

        Don’t need one, the natural way I hold my phone my thumb works perfectly. Like the picture below:


        • Assefa Hanson
          March 2, 2016

          side note, what ugly bezels, i dunno man i can see you have some fingers touching the SIDES of the phone 😛

          • balcobomber25
            March 2, 2016

            That’s not my phone, it’s press image of an iPhone 5s, it’s just an example of how I would normally hold my phone.

            • MinusPlusDivide
              March 5, 2016

              The press image of both iPhone 5s and Samsung finger scanner feel very uncomfortable way to hold a phone for me, it seem like you are about to drop the phone because you are not hold the phone in a firm grip unlike when you use the rear or the side scanner.

              The firm grip way to use the front scanner is to use two hands which kind of feel meh to me.

            • balcobomber25
              March 6, 2016

              I hold MX5 this way, never have dropped it once. Of course my fingers have a much better grip on the phone than these press images where the fingers are flat.

        • realjjj
          March 2, 2016

          trying to deceive much? that’s a tiny device,. a normal device is a lot easier to drop.

          • MaxPower
            March 2, 2016

            That’s a 6.7 inch phablet and that hand belongs to our friend @Yeti Hand

            • Yeti hand
              March 3, 2016

              XD XD

          • balcobomber25
            March 2, 2016

            How am I “deceiving”? I say in this post below it is an iPhone 5… I guess you were too busy trying to be right to read that comment. Here is one of the MX5 which i own. If you hold your phone differently please share it.

            • realjjj
              March 2, 2016

              and that’s exactly how people drop them in the damn toilet all the time.

              phone makers went larger and larger,yet they left the buttons bellow the screen, far far far away from the ideal and safest position.
              and with that i am done with you for good,.

            • balcobomber25
              March 2, 2016

              I have been using smartphones for years have never dropped one in the toilet. Sounds like a personal problem.

              For me the front fingerprint sensor is in the ideal position it is where my thumb would naturally rest anyways. For you it is different.

            • MaxPower
              March 2, 2016

              Because you don’t like benchmarks.
              I’ve heard many people spend lot of time in the toilet while running benchmarks…
              And then shit happens!

            • balcobomber25
              March 2, 2016

              This is true, they stand over the toilet running Antutu. When the score is below their friends they throw the phone in the toilet in protest.

              “I was supposed to get 59,000 but I only got 58,998!!!!!!”

            • MaxPower
              March 2, 2016

              I heard it differently.
              It’s related to autoerotism.

              Wet hands, slippery phone…

            • Marco Lancaster
              March 3, 2016

              Haha you didn’t get it.

            • balcobomber25
              March 3, 2016

              I got what he was saying was just adding my own spin

            • highwind
              March 2, 2016

              especially on the toilet!

            • Yeti hand
              March 3, 2016

              Sensei you’re the best

            • realjjj
              March 2, 2016

              you know what to hell with it

              8 months ago

              – I would vote for Bush
              a third time if it meant no more Obama. Bush was an idiot but he at least knew what the words “foreign policy” meant.”

              That tells any vaguely sane person all they need to know about and your intellectual capacity.

            • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
              March 2, 2016

              How does this bring anything to any healthy discussion?

            • balcobomber25
              March 3, 2016

              Because he knows he is wrong so he is looking for a distraction.

            • balcobomber25
              March 3, 2016

              Obama’s foreign policy is an absolute joke not sure what that has to do with morons dropping their phones in the toilet.

            • Yeti hand
              March 3, 2016

              I agree

            • balcobomber25
              March 3, 2016

              Apparently according to realjjj disagreeing with Obama means we are responsible for people dropping phones in toilets.

            • Yeti hand
              March 3, 2016

              don’t try to see any logical reasoning when there is none

        • The Special Juan
          March 3, 2016

          Never trust a leftie… Right hands all the way!

          • Yeti hand
            March 3, 2016

            I use my left hand too despite being right handed what’s wrong with that?

  5. Tremaine Underwood
    March 2, 2016

    None at all for me. I would never use it and it looks ugly when on the back. Plus phones with it were more expensive, this is changing now, however.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Just out of curiosity why would you never use one?

      • Tremaine Underwood
        March 2, 2016

        Security on my phone doesn’t bother me, I understand the risks. Having said that implementations are becoming lightning quick. I guess I would use it if it unlocks the phone faster then swiping up. But it would be for that benefit more than the intended use. I bought a Ecoo e04 recently and I just find it an annoyance(it is an old implementation now though).

        • balcobomber25
          March 2, 2016

          Fair enough.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      why not side fingerprint then? it doesnt or not so much impacts the phones overall aesthetics

      • Tremaine Underwood
        March 3, 2016

        Depends on how they implement it, but it shouldn’t be that noticeable. If I were to choose on where to have it, I would agree with Balco in that the home button makes the most sense. Mainly because I like physical buttons(I know a lot of people don’t).

  6. March 2, 2016

    Side 🙂

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      i think this is the best, you can activate it on the table, and its not uncomfortable to use like a front and it wont change the phones look too much like a back 🙂

    • MinusPlusDivide
      March 5, 2016

      like the Z5, this is more preferable way for me

      The front aka iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi way make me feel meh when I tried to use it.

  7. tauerman
    March 2, 2016

    I’ve only used a phone with front scanner so far. And it was very uncomfortable, reaching down below the display with the thumb, almost dropping the phone every time. (it was a ZUK Z1).
    So I prefer back scanner (but I couldn’t test a phone with scanner on the back yet)

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      LMAO see balco this person understands my pain

      • balcobomber25
        March 2, 2016

        I don’t understand how you hold your phone, for me my thumb is always in the exact spot the fingerprint sensor would be anyways.

        • Assefa Hanson
          March 2, 2016

          yow how does a person buy acer phones, the liquid jade 2 looks interesting to me but im clueless where you buy acer phones

          • Marco Lancaster
            March 3, 2016

            Lol where he said Acer?

            • Assefa Hanson
              March 3, 2016

              i cant help myself, i have to mention some unrelated information, im constantly looking at other phone stuff then i end up with questions lol

          • Tremaine Underwood
            March 3, 2016

            Try looking at Kimovil, they have 4 resellers listed. 3 of them are Amazon(French, Spanish and German). Then also a place PriceMinister(appears to be a french site).

            • Assefa Hanson
              March 3, 2016


          • balcobomber25
            March 3, 2016

            I don’t see them on many traditional resellers but Amazon has some of them their models.

    • MinusPlusDivide
      March 5, 2016

      I understand how you feel.

  8. Luis Bastos
    March 2, 2016

    People, it really depends in a lot of stuff…
    Imagine your hand, if you have a big hand then you will probably feel more confortable having the scanner on the back, but if you have a small hand (like me) It is really more useful and pratical on the front…
    We are all different…
    For me, a smartphone with more than 5 inches is just too big…
    You know why??
    Cause my hand is small, simple.

  9. Monk3y
    March 2, 2016

    Integration in the screen would be the best.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      samsung already had this idea but iphone made patents to prevent it from happening

  10. Walter Fernandez
    March 2, 2016

    Both sides could be the best 😉

  11. Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
    March 2, 2016

    I would prefer it on the front, I’ve used it with the Ecoo E04 and the Ulefone Be touch 2 and both were pretty good (BT2 better of course). I tried the rear fingerprint on a Huawei but I really disliked it. Of course, this is all a personal matter.

    On the rear I have to ‘search’ for the scanner for a sec and I have to pick up the phone when I want to unlock it. I’ve also never seen a good looking implementation on the rear but again, it’s an personal opinion on the looks of a device.

    The front button if already there, but know it has an extra function with it. Naturally this depends on the finish of the button, how they installed it.

    On the side would probably be a con for me since I am left-handed and I am pretty sure the scanner would be on the ‘wrong’ side of the phone for me.

    Touch screen scanners are being researched I believe but I think it might be a while before we see this on the more affordable China-devices.

  12. G'n'T
    March 2, 2016

    For me I prefer the front scanner. I do a lot of work in the car and I can easily unlock the phone when its in its holder using the front scanner. A rear scanner would make this cumbersome and dangerous.

    I have used the front on the Ulefone BT2 and for me it works great. So I would prefer to see more phones with a front scanner.

  13. Adam Irvine
    March 2, 2016

    I think in a strange way it feels more natural on the front as I think it feels right to press your thumb down into something rather than apply pressure with your finger up against the back of the phone… I hate to say it but I do feel this is something that Apple have had spot on since they started implementing them, even their circular scanner is preferable to me.

  14. highwind
    March 2, 2016

    Rear, without a question
    It is the more ergonomical position and I completely dislike physical home buttons

  15. Joel Adames
    March 2, 2016

    Back placement for me it is. There so many more options this way .

  16. Stef
    March 2, 2016

    I don’t like physical buttons , so back. But really I don’t care either way. It mostly makes the phone worse (bigger chins) without adding much IMO.

    I think it’s apple’s way to level the playfield by “inspiring” others to put as big chins as their phones and the rest were duped to follow losing one crucial advantage of android phones (smaller chin, easier to reach places one handed despite the bigger screens).

    I have a similar feeling about app drawers btw. An ingenious improvement of androids over iPhones would be discarded by android N because of an idiotic race to mimick iPhones…

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      That is what custom launchers are for, including Google’s own Now launcher.

      • Stef
        March 3, 2016

        Naah, custom launchers mimic Google’s way (which in turn -lately- mimics Apple’s way in certain things). In a few years nobody would be using drawers because Google said so , because Apple said so.

        See where flash is now, for a time we only half the internet available to our phones only because the two big companies said so, thank god for HTML5 actually coming to the rescue…

        • balcobomber25
          March 3, 2016

          Nova isn’t going to drop the app drawer to mimic Apple’s way.

          • Stef
            March 3, 2016

            Even if they don’t/won’t it would still class with the rest of Android. I’m sure that Google would make sure that everything would be built around the “having no drawer” kind of experience.

            I find it hard to see how the drawer would survive on its own if Google abandons it. Petty and pitiful move from their side, I hope they’d reverse it like Microsoft did with the Start-Screen of theirs…

            • balcobomber25
              March 4, 2016

              You find it hard to see how independent developers are able to think and act on their own without Google’s input? There are over 4500 different launchers on Android. Some have a typical app drawer, some have a Windows Metro look, some like Yahoo Aviate are completely different. All of the survive no matter what Google does or doesn’t do to Android.

            • Stef
              March 4, 2016

              They do but they’re rarely used, they don’t tie well with the rest of the experience. It is possible to create a completely custom experience, but it requires work, lot’s of work, the type of work that most people are not willing to put in.

              Just installing a custom launcher rarely is enough. For example in my Xiaomi machines I’d rather use the MIUI launcher despite the lack of drawer because I felt it worked better with the rest of the MIUI rom. I fear the same will happen with Android as a whole, and no amount of custom launchers can save us (at least not “easily”, without the help of other synergistic tweaking) … it would eventually be thought as a passé feature, fall in disuse and lack of updates would indeed make it a passé feature.

              A bit of like the tablet experience that Honeycomb gave you, Google thought they would do well to abandon it, trashing a lot of the tablet experience in the process (Really who wants bigger phones) and only now through the help of third parties like RemixOS and Phoenix OS things seem to get better, we had a 3-4 year long hiatus, because Google sometimes trash good ideas.

            • balcobomber25
              March 4, 2016

              They are rarely used? Go Launcher is one of the most downloaded apps on Android. There are 10 launchers with combined downloads of over 1 billion.

            • Stef
              March 4, 2016

              The tweaks of the launchers are rarely used. Most use them as is, in which case it would be a mimicry of what Google suggests (no app drawer) with the added customization.

              90% of the people’s phones that I have seen either use stock launcher or one that mimics Google’s . I expect the exodus to happen en masse. For example LG is already offering no app drawer by default, the rest would follow one by one.

              A feature that is rarely used fells in disuse and eventually obsolation. Again, see Android tabs. Do they reverted to their tablet specific environment? No across the board they became more and more phone like following google’s lead. Android is Google’s OS and for better or worse their tune is followed, sooner or later. If Google says “no drawer” you better start accepting it…

            • balcobomber25
              March 4, 2016

              99% of all statistics on the internet are made up. Many Android companies (especially those in China) have been offering no App drawer for years. They didn’t need Google to tell them what to do. Go and Nova Launcher have millions of users that use those launchers for a reason, if they suddenly abandon the look and feel of their launcher to appease Google, another company will come along and steal all those customers. App drawers are going nowhere.

            • Stef
              March 4, 2016

              Well I’m referencing an anecdote, so it’s not a statistic, it’s a rough estimation, which in turn happens to be true since I’m “the guy in office” who often takes a quick look when something is wrong with one’s phone.

              BTW the fact that China already made the move is closer to my point. If Google makes it too a whole generation of people would learn android as drawless so 3rd parties would abandon it.

              I’m not saying that it won’t be offered, merely that it would stop being updated (as a feature) for years and eventually fall in disrepair and obsoletion.. Obviously we’d be around so we’d see it happening (or not).

              PS: similar things was said about the tablet environment. That once Google stopped offering 3rd parties, rom makers and OEMs would -at least- continue to, and guess what … they didn’t. There are some buggy implementations nowadays that hardly anyone uses, some of the most unpopular threads in xda -for example- is about adding the tablet env back…

            • SnowyCat
              March 5, 2016

              i used app drawers for years…since i used flyme or miui i dont see a point to go back to a launcher with an app drawer..its kinda pointless for me..like an old outdated habbit that does nothing productive^^

            • Stef
              March 5, 2016

              Yeah, that’s what I meant by my initial post. People will start using what is on offer and prefer it, that’s what always happens with people, even if you give them fewer features they would love them simply because it’s branded as “new”.

              That’s why I find it troubling that Google chose that route, it’s psychology 101, most would love it simply because it’s “new”, the rest would suffer because Google chose the wrong kind of “new” to offer…

            • balcobomber25
              March 6, 2016

              3rd parties aren’t going to abandon something that billions of people are using already. They aren;t going to stop updating it, or coming out with new versions. Nova and Go Launcher aren’t going anywhere, they will always have an app drawer option. You can take your tinfoil hat off.

            • Stef
              March 6, 2016

              You don’t seem to address my main point . It already happened to tablets, tablet UI is dead there, nothing tinfoil hattish there.

              It’s simply how things go, demand leads to production. There was a demand for a good drawer when millions used it, when Google turns it into a norm not to use it, the numbers would reduce to thousands (there was a study I’ve read the other day that a significant percentage of people don’t tweak their phones and basically use them as glorified feature phones, i.e. very few apps, etc).

              I honestly doubt that Go or Nova would continue updating that feature. Like I said: disuse -> obsoletion

              Instead of calling iphone’s BS, we turn into it (physical button, no app drawer)… now we need big bezels and small battery to complete the transformation…

            • balcobomber25
              March 6, 2016

              Why would you doubt Go will update a feature that millions of people not only use but pay them to use? Do you think they are in business to make money or to appease Google?

            • Stef
              March 6, 2016

              Because I think people would stop using the drawer eventually. Again, I have to use tablet UI as my example. Little by little everybody moved away from it…

              When people would get used to the drawless experience they would be spited by a launcher that uses a drawer. So either Go would get on with the times or see their millions reduce to thousands…

            • balcobomber25
              March 7, 2016

              Tablet UI is the only thing you have to go on. Everybody moved away from it because Android tablets where never that popular to begin with. They still aren’t really. But App drawers have attracted hundreds of millions of users, they are going nowhere.

              A majority of Go’s (and others launchers) customers come from the Asian markets where app drawers haven’t existed for years. They are still one of the top 10 apps on Android. They already have a history of people wanting an app drawer in an environment where none exists.

            • Stef
              March 7, 2016

              My point is that Google sets the pace. Android tablets are first in sales (if we go by OS in tablets).

              If they could drive their own tablets to the ground (even as they were popular in sales) they can certainly do the same to the drawer. They’ll fight tooth and nail to eradicate it, probably block go launcher from play store if they need to (like they did with many other apps that they didn’t like their direction) … we’ll see…

            • balcobomber25
              March 7, 2016

              They are not going to block Go Launcher from the Play Store. Are you always this paranoid when new features are announced? If Google was this much of a control freak and wanted everything to be 100% their way they wouldn’t allow the near endless customization options that exist. Their wouldn’t be apps like Cortana that compete with Google Now or Waze that competes with Google Maps. You really need to take a step back and realize how crazy you sound right now.

            • Stef
              March 7, 2016

              I’m not being paranoid, they actually did block many apps that went against their policy, like adblockers, they even removed a Samsung browser lately. Lately they have started discouraging rooting too (if you root you can’t use Android Pay). BTW I’m not saying that they *will* block it, they’ll only do “if need be”. I expect Go, along with the other launchers to fall in line and remove the drawer and only make it an optional (probably hidden) feature…

              BTW removing a drawer is not a new feature, the drawer *was* the new feature that android brought forth to contrast with iPhone and feature phones (which had all the apps in front of you).

            • balcobomber25
              March 7, 2016

              The app drawer isn’t going anywhere. This is a pointless argument though until we see what happens with Android N.

  17. realjjj
    March 2, 2016

    There should be 5 options. None at all, side and screen integration should be added.
    My vote would go for no biometrics at all since a password you can’t change or conceal is simply too much of a risk.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      why cant they make fingerprint passwords? by making the direction/orientation of the fingerprint be a single character? making it changeable? a thumbs up for biometrics again?

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      Not very sure what you are saying.
      What i mean is that the fingerprint is the password and you can’t change it or hide it. It’s there for anyone to “steal it” and once compromised , you can’t change it.
      Biometrics are convenient but offer weak security.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      i mean it could be changeable, e.g this is your fingerprint (I)
      and im saying make the orientation a character for a “fingerprint password/pin” (right) etc maybe even make the duration of the scan itself another layer of security

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      That kills convenience.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 3, 2016

      that wasnt the subject, it was security, it does kill convineince but i have proved my point

  18. Assefa Hanson
    March 2, 2016

    front is terrible, with back sensor you can take selfies and maneuver the phone without hand gymnastics only plus for the fron is if its lying on a table, but maybe side fingerprint sensors are the greatest

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      How can you not take selfies with a front lol?

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      no its the gymnastics as in using the front fingerprint scanner as the shutter button

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      I just use my thumb, it’s a natural motion the way i hold my phone.

  19. Marco Lancaster
    March 2, 2016

    I prefer rear, I have big hands, like a basketball player lol
    So it’s more intuitive for me as my hand rests right on the right place.
    By the way, the issue with rear fingerprint is you can’t use it when the phone is placed over a desk.
    I don’t like front ones, because they take some space on the front (Just my opinion) and sometimes doesn’t look good. Save phones from Meizu series, their fingerprints looks cool and fits fine with the rest of phone’s design.

    • Guest
      March 5, 2016

      I don’t have big hand and I prefer rear. And I don’t see myself use the phone on the desk many time at all, if I use on the desk that mostly when I look for the time or notification which can easily get by double tap to light the screen.

  20. balcobomber25
    March 2, 2016

    I like the front for the simple reason that I can unlock without picking the phone up. This comes in handy when I am working and my phone is on my desk.

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      Link to PC like normal people
      some apps but feel free to look for others http://lifehacker.com/the-best-desktop-manager-for-android-1642628063

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Not possible at my job and many jobs that “normal” people work at.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      get a side fingerprint 😛

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      Great way to decrease productivity, remain in the technological stone age lol.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Or having a secure network, and not allowing people to install random crap on their work computers.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Don’t need one, the natural way I hold my phone my thumb works perfectly. Like the picture below:

    • MaxPower
      March 2, 2016

      It doesn’t matter how educate your employees are, the best way to stay away from troubles is just to prevent people doing it rather than define lot of restricting policies.

      It might sound unfair but that’s the best way to be productive

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      why does it have to be random? cos you need to win?
      if your IT folks are morons and so are your bosses, fine but why defend them?

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      side note, what ugly bezels, i dunno man i can see you have some fingers touching the SIDES of the phone 😛

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      That’s not my phone, it’s press image of an iPhone 5s, it’s just an example of how I would normally hold my phone.

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      trying to deceive much? that’s a tiny device,. a normal device is a lot easier to drop.
      that 5s is 123.8 x 58.6 x 7.6 mm , a 5.5 inch device is between 146 and 158mm tall, a lot heavier and wider.

    • MaxPower
      March 2, 2016

      That’s a 6.7 inch phablet and that hand belongs to our friend @Yeti Hand

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Why do you have to insult people you don’t know? Cause you need to win? I work for one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world. They don’t allow people to download anything that is not company related. And almost every company I have worked for (all of them in the technology and government sector) have been the same exact way. Maybe your line of work is different but most people I know aren’t allowed to do that at work.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      How am I “deceiving”? I say in this post below it is an iPhone 5… I guess you were too busy trying to be right to read that comment. Here is one of the MX5 which i own. If you hold your phone differently please share it. And actually the smaller device would be easier to drop, the larger one has more to hold onto.

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      This would be an app that increases productivity and should be in anyone’s arsenal. I have never argued that it should be random.
      You just need to force the idea that it is random,and unauthorized.
      As for being technologically advanced, one can’t be that if you can’t even mirror your damn phone on your PC. What’s more basic than that?

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Checking my personal email, texts, facebook etc at work doesn’t help productivity, it hurts it. It is a random app, it has literally nothing to do with work.

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      and that’s exactly how people drop them in the damn toilet all the time.

      phone makers went larger and larger,yet they left the buttons bellow the screen, far far far away from the ideal and safest position.
      and with that i am done with you for good,.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      I have been using smartphones for years have never dropped one in the toilet. Sounds like a personal problem.

      For me the front fingerprint sensor is in the ideal position it is where my thumb would naturally rest anyways. For you it is different.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Exactly and most companies operate this way. Allowing people to use a work computer however they please opens up pandora’s box of issues.

    • MaxPower
      March 2, 2016

      Because you don’t like benchmarks.
      I’ve heard many people spend lot of time in the toilet while running benchmarks…
      And then shit happens!

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      This is true, they stand over the toilet running Antutu. When the score is below their friends they throw the phone in the toilet in protest.

      “I was supposed to get 59,000 but I only got 58,998!!!!!!”

    • MaxPower
      March 2, 2016

      I heard it differently.
      It’s related to autoerotism.

      Wet hands, slippery phone…

    • realjjj
      March 2, 2016

      you know what to hell with it

      8 months ago

      – I would vote for Bush
      a third time if it meant no more Obama. Bush was an idiot but he at least knew what the words “foreign policy” meant.”

      That tells any vaguely sane person all they need to know about you and your intellectual capacity, as well as that vague hint of Fox News racism.

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      March 2, 2016

      How does this bring anything to any healthy discussion?

    • provokanter Tabellenführer
      March 2, 2016

      especially on the toilet!

    • Marco Lancaster
      March 3, 2016

      Haha you didn’t get it.

    • The Special Juan
      March 3, 2016

      Never trust a leftie… Right hands all the way!

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      I got what he was saying was just adding my own spin

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      Obama’s foreign policy is an absolute joke not sure what that has to do with morons dropping their phones in the toilet.

    • Yeti hand
      March 3, 2016

      I use my left hand too despite being right handed what’s wrong with that?

    • Yeti hand
      March 3, 2016

      I agree

    • Yeti hand
      March 3, 2016

      Sensei you’re the best

    • Yeti hand
      March 3, 2016

      XD XD

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      Apparently according to realjjj disagreeing with Obama means we are responsible for people dropping phones in toilets.

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      Because he knows he is wrong so he is looking for a distraction.

    • Yeti hand
      March 4, 2016

      don’t try to see any logical reasoning when there is none

    • Guest
      March 5, 2016

      The press image of both iPhone 5s and Samsung finger scanner feel very uncomfortable way to hold a phone for me, it seem like you are about to drop the phone because you are not hold the phone in a firm grip unlike when you use the rear or the side scanner.

      The firm grip way to use the front scanner is to use two hands which kind of feel meh to me.

    • balcobomber25
      March 6, 2016

      I hold MX5 this way, never have dropped it once. Of course my fingers have a much better grip on the phone than these press images where the fingers are flat.

  21. Tremaine Underwood
    March 2, 2016

    None at all for me. I would never use it and it looks ugly when on the back. Plus phones with it were more expensive, this is changing now, however.

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Just out of curiosity why would you never use one?

    • Tremaine Underwood
      March 2, 2016

      Security on my phone doesn’t bother me, I understand the risks. Having said that implementations are becoming lightning quick. I guess I would use it if it unlocks the phone faster then swiping up. But it would be for that benefit more than the intended use. I bought a Ecoo e04 recently and I just find it an annoyance(it is an old implementation now though).

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      why not side fingerprint then? it doesnt or not so much impacts the phones overall aesthetics

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      Fair enough.

    • Tremaine Underwood
      March 3, 2016

      Depends on how they implement it, but it shouldn’t be that noticeable. If I were to choose on where to have it, I would agree with Balco in that the home button makes the most sense. Mainly because I like physical buttons(I know a lot of people don’t).

  22. denkem
    March 2, 2016

    Side 🙂

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      i think this is the best, you can activate it on the table, and its not uncomfortable to use like a front and it wont change the phones look too much like a back 🙂

    • Guest
      March 5, 2016

      like the Z5, this is more preferable way for me

      The front aka iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi way make me feel meh when I tried to use it.

  23. tauerman
    March 2, 2016

    I’ve only used a phone with front scanner so far. And it was very uncomfortable, reaching down below the display with the thumb, almost dropping the phone every time. (it was a ZUK Z1).
    So I prefer back scanner (but I couldn’t test a phone with scanner on the back yet)

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 2, 2016

      LMAO see balco this person understands my pain

    • balcobomber25
      March 2, 2016

      I don’t understand how you hold your phone, for me my thumb is always in the exact spot the fingerprint sensor would be anyways.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 3, 2016

      yow how does a person buy acer phones, the liquid jade 2 looks interesting to me but im clueless where you buy acer phones

    • Marco Lancaster
      March 3, 2016

      Lol where he said Acer?

    • Tremaine Underwood
      March 3, 2016

      Try looking at Kimovil, they have 4 resellers listed. 3 of them are Amazon(French, Spanish and German). Then also a place PriceMinister(appears to be a french site).

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 3, 2016


    • Assefa Hanson
      March 3, 2016

      i cant help myself, i have to mention some unrelated information, im constantly looking at other phone stuff then i end up with questions lol

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      I don’t see them on many traditional resellers but Amazon has some of them their models.

    • Guest
      March 5, 2016

      I understand how you feel.

  24. Luis Bastos
    March 2, 2016

    People, it really depends in a lot of stuff…
    Imagine your hand, if you have a big hand then you will probably feel more confortable having the scanner on the back, but if you have a small hand (like me) It is really more useful and pratical on the front…
    We are all different…
    For me, a smartphone with more than 5 inches is just too big…
    You know why??
    Cause my hand is small, simple.

  25. Xalis
    March 2, 2016

    Front if you care about looks, rear if you actually want a functional feature.

  26. Guest
    March 2, 2016

    Integration in the screen would be the best.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 3, 2016

      samsung already had this idea but iphone made patents to prevent it from happening

  27. Guest
    March 2, 2016

    Both sides could be the best 😉

  28. Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
    March 2, 2016

    I would prefer it on the front, I’ve used it with the Ecoo E04 and the Ulefone Be touch 2 and both were pretty good (BT2 better of course). I tried the rear fingerprint on a Huawei but I really disliked it. Of course, this is all a personal matter.

    On the rear I have to ‘search’ for the scanner for a sec and I have to pick up the phone when I want to unlock it. I’ve also never seen a good looking implementation on the rear but again, it’s an personal opinion on the looks of a device.

    The front button if already there, but know it has an extra function with it. Naturally this depends on the finish of the button, how they installed it.

    On the side would probably be a con for me since I am left-handed and I am pretty sure the scanner would be on the ‘wrong’ side of the phone for me.

    Touch screen scanners are being researched I believe but I think it might be a while before we see this on the more affordable China-devices.

  29. Joel Adames
    March 2, 2016

    But in the end … It all comes to preference Andi, dome will have their reasons for prefer back placement and other for Front placement… So it is a dead end this poll, although one side will definitely get more points than the other one… 😉

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      and that was the point of a polling. to get the idea which one are more preferred than the others.

  30. G'n'T
    March 2, 2016

    For me I prefer the front scanner. I do a lot of work in the car and I can easily unlock the phone when its in its holder using the front scanner. A rear scanner would make this cumbersome and dangerous.

    I have used the front on the Ulefone BT2 and for me it works great. So I would prefer to see more phones with a front scanner.

  31. Adam Irvine
    March 2, 2016

    I think in a strange way it feels more natural on the front as I think it feels right to press your thumb down into something rather than apply pressure with your finger up against the back of the phone… I hate to say it but I do feel this is something that Apple have had spot on since they started implementing them, even their circular scanner is preferable to me.

  32. provokanter Tabellenführer
    March 2, 2016

    Rear, without a question
    It is the more ergonomical position and I completely dislike physical home buttons

  33. Joel Adames
    March 2, 2016

    Back placement for me it is. There so many more options this way .

  34. Victor
    March 3, 2016

    Unfortunately “NO FINGERPRINT SENSOR” is absent in the option… i am not a kind of paranoia person

    • Nilzie
      March 3, 2016

      because its optional to use.

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      You don’t have to use it, you can completely ignore it and use a pin, pattern, password or nothing.

  35. Stef
    March 3, 2016

    I don’t like physical buttons , so back. But really I don’t care either way. It mostly makes the phone worse (bigger chins) without adding much IMO.

    I think it’s apple’s way to level the playfield by “inspiring” others to put as big chins as their phones and the rest were duped to follow losing one crucial advantage of android phones (smaller chin, easier to reach places one handed despite the bigger screens).

    I have a similar feeling about app drawers btw. An ingenious improvement of androids over iPhones would be discarded by android N because of an idiotic race to mimick iPhones…

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      That is what custom launchers are for, including Google’s own Now launcher.

    • Stef
      March 4, 2016

      Naah, custom launchers mimic Google’s way (which in turn -lately- mimics Apple’s way in certain things). In a few years nobody would be using drawers because Google said so , because Apple said so.

      See where flash is now, for a time we only half the internet available to our phones only because the two big companies said so, thank god for HTML5 actually coming to the rescue…

    • balcobomber25
      March 4, 2016

      Nova isn’t going to drop the app drawer to mimic Apple’s way.

    • Stef
      March 4, 2016

      Even if they don’t/won’t it would still class with the rest of Android. I’m sure that Google would make sure that everything would be built around the “having no drawer” kind of experience.

      I find it hard to see how the drawer would survive on its own if Google abandons it. Petty and pitiful move from their side, I hope they’d reverse it like Microsoft did with the Start-Screen of theirs…

    • balcobomber25
      March 4, 2016

      You find it hard to see how independent developers are able to think and act on their own without Google’s input? There are over 4500 different launchers on Android. Some have a typical app drawer, some have a Windows Metro look, some like Yahoo Aviate are completely different. All of the survive no matter what Google does or doesn’t do to Android.

    • Stef
      March 4, 2016

      They do but they’re rarely used, they don’t tie well with the rest of the experience. It is possible to create a completely custom experience, but it requires work, lot’s of work, the type of work that most people are not willing to put in.

      Just installing a custom launcher rarely is enough. For example in my Xiaomi machines I’d rather use the MIUI launcher despite the lack of drawer because I felt it worked better with the rest of the MIUI rom. I fear the same will happen with Android as a whole, and no amount of custom launchers can save us (at least not “easily”, without the help of other synergistic tweaking) … it would eventually be thought as a passé feature, fall in disuse and lack of updates would indeed make it a passé feature.

      A bit of like the tablet experience that Honeycomb gave you, Google thought they would do well to abandon it, trashing a lot of the tablet experience in the process (Really who wants bigger phones) and only now through the help of third parties like RemixOS and Phoenix OS things seem to get better, we had a 3-4 year long hiatus, because Google sometimes trash good ideas.

    • balcobomber25
      March 4, 2016

      They are rarely used? Go Launcher is one of the most downloaded apps on Android. There are 10 launchers with combined downloads of over 1 billion.

    • Stef
      March 4, 2016

      The tweaks of the launchers are rarely used. Most use them as is, in which case it would be a mimicry of what Google suggests (no app drawer) with the added customization.

      90% of the people’s phones that I have seen either use stock launcher or one that mimics Google’s . I expect the exodus to happen en masse. For example LG is already offering no app drawer by default, the rest would follow one by one.

      A feature that is rarely used fells in disuse and eventually obsolation. Again, see Android tabs. Do they reverted to their tablet specific environment? No across the board they became more and more phone like following google’s lead. Android is Google’s OS and for better or worse their tune is followed, sooner or later. If Google says “no drawer” you better start accepting it…

    • balcobomber25
      March 4, 2016

      99% of all statistics on the internet are made up. Many Android companies (especially those in China) have been offering no App drawer for years. They didn’t need Google to tell them what to do. Go and Nova Launcher have millions of users that use those launchers for a reason, if they suddenly abandon the look and feel of their launcher to appease Google, another company will come along and steal all those customers. App drawers are going nowhere.

    • Stef
      March 4, 2016

      Well I’m referencing an anecdote, so it’s not a statistic, it’s a rough estimation, which in turn happens to be true since I’m “the guy in office” who often takes a quick look when something is wrong with one’s phone.

      BTW the fact that China already made the move is closer to my point. If Google makes it too a whole generation of people would learn android as drawless so 3rd parties would abandon it.

      I’m not saying that it won’t be offered, merely that it would stop being updated (as a feature) for years and eventually fall in disrepair and obsoletion.. Obviously we’d be around so we’d see it happening (or not).

      PS: similar things was said about the tablet environment. That once Google stopped offering 3rd parties, rom makers and OEMs would -at least- continue to, and guess what … they didn’t. There are some buggy implementations nowadays that hardly anyone uses, some of the most unpopular threads in xda -for example- is about adding the tablet env back…

    • SnowyCat
      March 5, 2016

      i used app drawers for years…since i used flyme or miui i dont see a point to go back to a launcher with an app drawer..its kinda pointless for me..like an old outdated habbit that does nothing productive^^

    • Stef
      March 5, 2016

      Yeah, that’s what I meant by my initial post. People will start using what is on offer and prefer it, that’s what always happens with people, even if you give them fewer features they would love them simply because it’s branded as “new”.

      That’s why I find it troubling that Google chose that route, it’s psychology 101, most would love it simply because it’s “new”, the rest would suffer because Google chose the wrong kind of “new” to offer…

    • balcobomber25
      March 6, 2016

      3rd parties aren’t going to abandon something that billions of people are using already. They aren;t going to stop updating it, or coming out with new versions. Nova and Go Launcher aren’t going anywhere, they will always have an app drawer option. You can take your tinfoil hat off.

    • Stef
      March 6, 2016

      You don’t seem to address my main point . It already happened to tablets, tablet UI is dead there, nothing tinfoil hattish there.

      It’s simply how things go, demand leads to production. There was a demand for a good drawer when millions used it, when Google turns it into a norm not to use it, the numbers would reduce to thousands (there was a study I’ve read the other day that a significant percentage of people don’t tweak their phones and basically use them as glorified feature phones, i.e. very few apps, etc).

      I honestly doubt that Go or Nova would continue updating that feature. Like I said: disuse -> obsoletion

      Instead of calling iphone’s BS, we turn into it (physical button, no app drawer)… now we need big bezels and small battery to complete the transformation…

    • balcobomber25
      March 6, 2016

      Why would you doubt Go will update a feature that millions of people not only use but pay them to use? Do you think they are in business to make money or to appease Google?

    • Stef
      March 7, 2016

      Because I think people would stop using the drawer eventually. Again, I have to use tablet UI as my example. Little by little everybody moved away from it…

      When people would get used to the drawless experience they would be spited by a launcher that uses a drawer. So either Go would get on with the times or see their millions reduce to thousands…

    • balcobomber25
      March 7, 2016

      Tablet UI is the only thing you have to go on. Everybody moved away from it because Android tablets where never that popular to begin with. They still aren’t really. But App drawers have attracted hundreds of millions of users, they are going nowhere.

      A majority of Go’s (and others launchers) customers come from the Asian markets where app drawers haven’t existed for years. They are still one of the top 10 apps on Android. They already have a history of people wanting an app drawer in an environment where none exists.

    • Stef
      March 7, 2016

      My point is that Google sets the pace. Android tablets are first in sales (if we go by OS in tablets).

      If they could drive their own tablets to the ground (even as they were popular in sales) they can certainly do the same to the drawer. They’ll fight tooth and nail to eradicate it, probably block go launcher from play store if they need to (like they did with many other apps that they didn’t like their direction) … we’ll see…

    • balcobomber25
      March 7, 2016

      They are not going to block Go Launcher from the Play Store. Are you always this paranoid when new features are announced? If Google was this much of a control freak and wanted everything to be 100% their way they wouldn’t allow the near endless customization options that exist. Their wouldn’t be apps like Cortana that compete with Google Now or Waze that competes with Google Maps. You really need to take a step back and realize how crazy you sound right now.

    • Stef
      March 7, 2016

      I’m not being paranoid, they actually did block many apps that went against their policy, like adblockers, they even removed a Samsung browser lately. Lately they have started discouraging rooting too (if you root you can’t use Android Pay). BTW I’m not saying that they *will* block it, they’ll only do “if need be”. I expect Go, along with the other launchers to fall in line and remove the drawer and only make it an optional (probably hidden) feature…

      BTW removing a drawer is not a new feature, the drawer *was* the new feature that android brought forth to contrast with iPhone and feature phones (which had all the apps in front of you).

    • balcobomber25
      March 7, 2016

      The app drawer isn’t going anywhere. This is a pointless argument though until we see what happens with Android N.

  36. The Special Juan
    March 3, 2016

    I prefer front. The sensor on my mx5 has worked fine. However I think I would also like a side scanner, just under the power button, as that is where my thumb naturally tests when holding the phone

  37. Guest
    March 3, 2016

    Front if you care about looks, rear if you actually want a functional feature.

  38. Joel Adames
    March 3, 2016

    But in the end … It all comes to preference Andi, dome will have their reasons for prefer back placement and other for Front placement… So it is a dead end this poll, although one side will definitely get more points than the other one… 😉

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      and that was the point of a polling. to get the idea which one are more preferred than the others.

  39. Ibrahim Bahakim
    March 3, 2016

    I think if it is a big phone then back, because you have to hold big phones with two hands and the thumb finger would be natureally behind the phone just on the fingerprint place “I don’t know its name haha”.
    But if a small phone like iphone not the plus one then you won’t need to use it with two hands thus your finger can reach the button on the front.

  40. Tajwar
    March 3, 2016

    I want…both.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 4, 2016

      NO! lol

  41. Tremaine Underwood
    March 3, 2016

    Just to play devils advocate a little, there are ways around Pins/Passwords/Fingerprint. I googled it a bit apparently there are 2 ways(all I found in my 10mins of googling :-)). Via recovery(needs a sd card and recovery unlocked) or via usb in an adb command prompt. Not sure yet if it applies to all versions of Android. I want to test this on my e04 and see if it actually works(I will try on Kitkat and Lollipop). If it does then its pretty much only protected from people around you that will quickly try there luck while you are not looking. If someone steals it and wants to get at your data, then there are ways.

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      how about you tell us what you search?

      • Tremaine Underwood
        March 7, 2016

        As I said I just did a quick google about getting around being locked out of your phone. I am not trying to promote breaking into people’s phones. I just don’t believe they are that hard to get past if you are determined. I once hacked a Windows Vista password for my neighbor who had locked themselves out of there PC(I must add that I was lucky there since the password was a dictionary word which makes it way easier). I still want to put it to the test with a cellphone, but the Ecoo I have I am currently trying to sell so I don’t really want to fiddle too much.

  42. E8hffff
    March 3, 2016

    Prefer rear scanner when holding phone, but if phone is in dock or cradle then front. I voted rear.

  43. Young
    March 3, 2016

    I prefer PIN to finger print. I don’t like in it on the front rather rear.

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      I don’t like people to see me entering the pin everytime I want to use the phone.

  44. Guest
    March 3, 2016

    Unfortunately “NO FINGERPRINT SENSOR” is absent in the option… i am not a kind of paranoia person

    • Nilzie
      March 3, 2016

      because its optional to use.

    • balcobomber25
      March 3, 2016

      You don’t have to use it, you can completely ignore it and use a pin, pattern, password or nothing.

  45. The Special Juan
    March 3, 2016

    I prefer front. The sensor on my mx5 has worked fine. However I think I would also like a side scanner, just under the power button, as that is where my thumb naturally tests when holding the phone

  46. Singhapura
    March 3, 2016

    I just received my Elephone P9000 and must say that the scanner is a pain to use. To position your finger correctly I often brush the “off” button or almost drop the phone trying to turn it around with one hand. My iPhone doesn’t have that problem (lots of other problems though).

    • MinusPlusDivide
      March 5, 2016

      I find it’s quite opposite when I handled iPhone6s, everytime I tried to reach for a scanner, I almost drop a phone

  47. smalllbit
    March 3, 2016

    There are some practical reasons for front.
    1. You see the button in front
    2. You can handle it when the mobile is placed on a desk
    3. You can’t use a cover if the button is placed on the back

    • Mihly Slger
      March 3, 2016

      Covers are cut off on the place of the reader

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 4, 2016

      1 back gives more room for front facing speakers,
      2 track pad function makes no sense on the front,
      3 as the phone gets larget it get more uncomfortable
      4 thinner bottom bezel
      5 better as a shutter button for selfies

      • trapchan
        March 7, 2016

        1. There’re only a handful (if not less) Chinese oem use front speaker while having Fingerprint on the back.
        2. It doesn’t make any sense to have a trackpad
        3. I imagine it would be the same regardless of the placement
        4. Only LG G2 have thin bottom bezel. Also Mi5 and Samsung’s fingerprint sensor isn’t that huge (unlike iPhone or any phone with rear fingerprint sensor)
        5. Volume button works better than fingerprint sensor as shutter button.

        • Assefa Hanson
          March 7, 2016

          1.) doesnt matter if there is a handful or not, fact still remains there is more screen estate left for front facing speakers without a front facing scanner

          2)if your going to already place your finger on the back scanner to unlock the phone, why not scroll through the phone and do other things with it while your at it, this doesnt make sense for a front scanner since your so close to the screen already with your fingerprint finger

          3)thats not how physics work, you do not hold the phone the same(while using the fingerprint) holding with a back sensor is more ergonomic, you will extend your index finger parallel to the phone vs more diagonal/horizontal with front scanner, not only that but you also clasp the phone more, how can you say it would be the same regardless?

          4) doesnt matter what you say, if there is a fingerprint sensor in the front it will always use more bezel vs if it were at the back

          5)dont care about volume buttons the arguement is between fingerprint sensors

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      No. 2 is my main reason why I prefer it on the front

  48. Ibrahim Bahakim
    March 3, 2016

    I think if it is a big phone then back, because you have to hold big phones with two hands and the thumb finger would be natureally behind the phone just on the fingerprint place “I don’t know its name haha”.
    But if a small phone like iphone not the plus one then you won’t need to use it with two hands thus your finger can reach the button on the front.

  49. Tajwar
    March 3, 2016

    I want…both.

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 4, 2016

      NO! lol

  50. Tremaine Underwood
    March 3, 2016

    Just to play devils advocate a little, there are ways around Pins/Passwords/Fingerprint. I googled it a bit apparently there are 2 ways(all I found in my 10mins of googling :-)). Via recovery(needs a sd card and recovery unlocked) or via usb in an adb command prompt. Not sure yet if it applies to all versions of Android. I want to test this on my e04 and see if it actually works(I will try on Kitkat and Lollipop). If it does then its pretty much only protected from people around you that will quickly try there luck while you are not looking. If someone steals it and wants to get at your data, then there are ways.

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      how about you tell us what you search?

    • Tremaine Underwood
      March 7, 2016

      As I said I just did a quick google about getting around being locked out of your phone. I am not trying to promote breaking into people’s phones. I just don’t believe they are that hard to get past if you are determined. I once hacked a Windows Vista password for my neighbor who had locked themselves out of there PC(I must add that I was lucky there since the password was a dictionary word which makes it way easier). I still want to put it to the test with a cellphone, but the Ecoo I have I am currently trying to sell so I don’t really want to fiddle too much.

  51. E8hffff
    March 3, 2016

    Prefer rear scanner when holding phone, but if phone is in dock or cradle then front. I voted rear.

  52. Young
    March 3, 2016

    I prefer PIN to finger print. I don’t like in it on the front rather rear.

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      I don’t like people to see me entering the pin everytime I want to use the phone.

  53. Singhapura
    March 3, 2016

    I just received my Elephone P9000 and must say that the scanner is a pain to use. To position your finger correctly I often brush the “off” button or almost drop the phone trying to turn it around with one hand. My iPhone doesn’t have that problem (lots of other problems though).

    • Guest
      March 5, 2016

      I find it’s quite opposite when I handled iPhone6s, everytime I tried to reach for a scanner, I almost drop a phone

  54. smalllbit
    March 3, 2016

    There are some practical reasons for front.
    1. You see the button in front
    2. You can handle it when the mobile is placed on a desk
    3. You can’t use a cover if the button is placed on the back

    • ezclap
      March 3, 2016

      Covers are cut off on the place of the reader

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 4, 2016

      1 back gives more room for front facing speakers,
      2 track pad function makes no sense on the front,
      3 as the phone gets larget it get more uncomfortable
      4 thinner bottom bezel
      5 better as a shutter button for selfies

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      1. There’re only a handful (if not less) Chinese oem use front speaker while having Fingerprint on the back.
      2. It doesn’t make any sense to have a trackpad
      3. I imagine it would be the same regardless of the placement
      4. Only LG G2 have thin bottom bezel. Also Mi5 and Samsung’s fingerprint sensor isn’t that huge (unlike iPhone or any phone with rear fingerprint sensor)
      5. Volume button works better than fingerprint sensor as shutter button.

    • trapchan
      March 7, 2016

      No. 2 is my main reason why I prefer it on the front

    • Assefa Hanson
      March 7, 2016

      1.) doesnt matter if there is a handful or not, fact still remains there is more screen estate left for front facing speakers without a front facing scanner

      2)if your going to already place your finger on the back scanner to unlock the phone, why not scroll through the phone and do other things with it while your at it, this doesnt make sense for a front scanner since your so close to the screen already with your fingerprint finger

      3)thats not how physics work, you do not hold the phone the same(while using the fingerprint) holding with a back sensor is more ergonomic, you will extend your index finger parallel to the phone vs more diagonal/horizontal with front scanner, not only that but you also clasp the phone more, how can you say it would be the same regardless?

      4) doesnt matter what you say, if there is a fingerprint sensor in the front it will always use more bezel vs if it were at the back

      5)dont care about volume buttons the arguement is between fingerprint sensors

  55. Cpaun
    March 3, 2016

    I really like it sideways, Sony Z5 style 🙂

  56. Cpaun
    March 3, 2016

    I really like it sideways, Sony Z5 style 🙂

  57. BotondKisKovacs
    March 3, 2016

    I want it on the side. I always have a finger on the side of the phone although it would be relatively easy to slide it to the spot where the scanner would be on the back.

    The new MI5 would look a lot better if it had the scanner on the back (or even better on the side) so the home button wouldn’t ruin the buttonless look I got used to and love.

    Alternatively an ultrasound front scanner hidden under the display would also be nice as long as there is no physical button.

  58. Ali Khan
    March 3, 2016

    considering looks and screen to body ratio ideal placement for fingerprint scanner is the rear.
    considering the practicality its the front chin

  59. BotondKisKovacs
    March 3, 2016

    I want it on the side. I always have a finger on the side of the phone although it would be relatively easy to slide it to the spot where the scanner would be on the back.

    The new MI5 would look a lot better if it had the scanner on the back (or even better on the side) so the home button wouldn’t ruin the buttonless look I got used to and love.

    Alternatively an ultrasound front scanner hidden under the display would also be nice as long as there is no physical button.

  60. Ali Khan
    March 3, 2016

    considering looks and screen to body ratio ideal placement for fingerprint scanner is the rear.
    considering the practicality its the front chin

  61. wackenroader
    March 3, 2016

    Rear with trackpad function as kingzone z1.

  62. March 4, 2016

    Front on phones up to 5.2″ and rear on larger screens.

  63. wackenroader
    March 4, 2016

    Rear with trackpad function as kingzone z1.

  64. Yash Garg
    March 4, 2016

    Front on phones up to 5.2″ and rear on larger screens.

  65. Muhammad Yasir
    March 4, 2016

    it really doesnt matter as long as the phone’s cheap and has great hardware !

  66. JM
    March 4, 2016

    rear also allows dual front facing speakers – which I like.

  67. Assefa Hanson
    March 4, 2016

    btw wouldnt screen integration of the fingerprint scanner drain the battery even more! thats one giant sensor

  68. Guest
    March 4, 2016

    it really doesnt matter as long as the phone’s cheap and has great hardware !

  69. JM
    March 4, 2016

    rear also allows dual front facing speakers – which I like.

  70. Assefa Hanson
    March 4, 2016

    btw wouldnt screen integration of the fingerprint scanner drain the battery even more! thats one giant sensor

  71. MinusPlusDivide
    March 5, 2016

    I choose rear, after holding phones that have scanner on the front (iPhone6s, ZTE Blade S7) and on the rear (Huawei Mate 8, ZTE A711) also still using LG G2 (power button on the rear) make me prefer the rear.

  72. Guest
    March 5, 2016

    I choose rear, after holding phones that have scanner on the front (iPhone6s, ZTE Blade S7) and on the rear (Huawei Mate 8, ZTE A711) also still using LG G2 (power button on the rear) make me prefer the rear.

  73. Maor
    March 5, 2016

    Side or fingerprint sensitive touchscreen!

  74. Guest
    March 5, 2016

    Side or fingerprint sensitive touchscreen!

  75. trapchan
    March 7, 2016

    Front. Using the LeTV 1S, made me realize this. At first, having it on the back might made a lot of sense (it fit nicely on your index finger when you hold the phone), until you put the phone on the table. With fingerprint on the back, you have to lift the phone everytime you want to use it.

    So I hope they would ditch the idea of putting the sensor on the back and follow iPhone, Samsung, or Meizu, and put the sensor on the front. Unless the phone have very minimal bezel like LG G2, or enormous speaker like HTC One.

  76. trapchan
    March 7, 2016

    Front. Using the LeTV 1S, made me realize this. At first, having it on the back might made a lot of sense (it fit nicely on your index finger when you hold the phone), until you put the phone on the table. With fingerprint on the back, you have to lift the phone everytime you want to use it.

    So I hope they would ditch the idea of putting the sensor on the back and follow iPhone, Samsung, or Meizu, and put the sensor on the front. Unless the phone have very minimal bezel like LG G2, or enormous speaker like HTC One.