Original UHANS S1 unboxing pictures

UHANS S1, the new model for the “S” company line is already in a presale period since April 20th and is trying to lure the buyers with simple, yet elegant and smooth design. 5-inch display has only HD resolution but offers 2.5D curved glass and very thin bezels. The phone is powered by MT6753 processor along 3 GB RAM and 32 GB of expandable storage.

Main camera is 13 MPix one with PDAF support and the front selfie cam is 5 MPix with FotoNation technology support. Battery capacity could be maybe a bit low with 2200 mAh and the Freeme OS 6.0 is plastered on top of the Android 6.0 Marshmallow. UHANS S1 is available for very reasonable $139.99 presale price and for the promotion the company has prepared very original set of unboxing pictures. Have fun.

Box with the phone inside looks pretty simple with utilitarian design in white with just the silvery letters.


Bottom of the box is red with the spec list and the QR code.


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After you open the box you will find the phone resting in a plastic bed.

When you dig deeper inside the box the accessories get revealed – SIM tray ejector pin, charger, USB cable, back cover, screen shield and a manual.

UHANS offers 5-inch display with 2.5D curved glass and sufficent HD 1280×720 pixel resolution.


Design of the frame is also pretty smooth and simple, top with only the audio jack, back with the camera lens, LED flash and the fingerprint scanner, right edge then the power button and volume rocker.

The fingerprint scanner is a gold framed circular one, slightly indented.

Left edge of the frame is reserved for the SIM card ejectable tray.


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  1. PerixXPro
    May 13, 2016

    The industry in China is getting better everyday. That’s a beautiful device.

    • balcobomber25
      May 13, 2016

      Kind of looks like a Mi4

    • Matthéo
      May 13, 2016

      Specs looks nice too, waiting for the review…

  2. balcobomber25
    May 13, 2016

    If I buy it do I get the little construction men with it?

  3. Fábio
    May 13, 2016

    Thank you builders for the unboxing! Good job! ?

  4. GodZillaa
    May 13, 2016

    Minimal and pretty. Specs are quite decent for the price point. And 720p for a 5-incher is just fine. Will wait for a more detailed review.

  5. Angry Mobile Nerd
    May 13, 2016

    Fire the guy wearing the yellow shirt, he just stood around and did nothing the whole time.

    Oh wait, that’s the boss…

  6. Redarmor35
    May 13, 2016

    Different than normal unboxing. Kind of interesting. I believe the device will look better than in the pics.

  7. yalok
    May 14, 2016

    Almost ideal OnePlus X, now with a fingerprint scanner.

  8. Muhammad Yasir
    May 14, 2016

    why would you use little men to do … why?!

    this is plastic labour …im soo tellin the UN plastic commission about this!

  9. Beloved Chairman Lei Jun
    May 15, 2016

    Dears, more like UDUMB.

  10. Jon Michael Chua
    July 29, 2016

    Does this come with dual sim and micro SD card support or hybrid sim?