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iPhone-Like Security Now on Samsung Smartphones: Everything You Need to Know

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Apple Reduces iPhone Prices in India Following Import Duty Cuts

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OpenAI Announces AI-Powered Search Engine, Challenging Google

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I’ve just come from the Meizume forum. A web forum which has over 40,000 dedicated Meizu fans, all of which are eagerly awaiting the launch …

When I first received these images the sender claimed that this was a proto type of the iPad 2 running Flash, “An iPad with an …

Pre-orders for Meizu’s latest flagship M9 Android smartphone have already surpasses 30,000 units! However, it’s still not been confirmed if the M9 has recieved a …

The 3G iPad still isn’t officially available in China despite the cheaper WIFI model taking the market by storm in September. Well now Apple has …

CiPhone were one of the iPhone clone originators, but their latest CiPhone Pro brings some surprising features to the table including dual boot Android / …

The WinPad Windows 7 Tablet is our favourite Windows device of this year, and the only tablet we know of which pack a fully loaded …

OOOOppss, I guess I overused my quoter or ‘artistic license’ on this one post title alone! The miniature tank tank isn’t exactly ‘rampaging’ through the …

I’ve seen some really ugly Shanzhai phones this year, but this F117 Stealth Fighter inspired phone really has been beaten on with the ugly stick.

Workers at an excavation site in Qijiang County, southwest Chongqing, disscovered the fossilized remains of Sauropod. The complete fossil, which dates back to the Jurassic …

China Unicom, like all mobile networks now, are all about 3G. With mobile growth slowing down in China courting 3G customers is the best way …

When building a huge tower who on earth decides ‘I know! I want my city to be known as the place where the 3rd largest …

The little 8 inch tablet is marketed at those who need a ultra portable tablet computer at every Irish Bar (I think I’ve been there), …

A Chinese manufacturer based in Shenzhen has already started to list, what it claims, are cases for the next generation iPad or iPad 2, which …

Has Steve Jobs really purged the internet of Flash? Perhaps he has as I still haven’t found an embedded video that doesn’t work on my …

Wow, we’ve been eagerly awaiting for an untethered Jailbreak to come out for iOS 4.2.1 and instead of getting just 1 we’ve got news of …

Construction has started on a 121 storey tower in downtown Shanghai. Once completed the tower will tower (oh, dear) 632 meters above the ground and …

ViewSonic have been showing off their dual boot tablet in Taipai. The system, the first dual boot tablet we know of, can boot in to …

Check this homeless guys Fruit Ninja skills! I don’t know if he’s really homeless, an actor or has just decided to swap from busking with …

The Nokia N8 might have a fantastic camera capable of shooting short action movies, but it kind of sucks as a smartphone, wouldn’t it have …

Sometimes the greatest ideas are the most simple and are blindingly obvious. Take for example Gree Electronic Appliances latest creation, a solar powered air conditioner! …