Preorders begin for MT6752 Kingzone Z1

kingzone z1

Late last year phone makers started to promote their 64bit line-up and the devices have been fast to launch. Following in the volley of launches is the MT6752 Kingzone Z1.

Cast your mind back to last year and you may remember Kingzone. The Chinese phone maker had a major hit on their hands with the launch of the K1 Turbo, but didn’t really follow through with their N3.

New for 2015 though is the Kingzone Z1 and like many Chinese flagship phones it benefits from boasting a 64bit chipset, and native LTE support.

kingzone z1

Gizchina News of the week

Some of the highlights of the Z1 include a 7.5mm body thickness, 1mm bezels and a weight of just 139g. Internally the phone boasts a metal chassis, on to which they have bolted on a 5.5-inch HD display from JDI, 13 mega-pixel rear camera and 8 mega-pixel front.

kingzone z1

2GB RAM, 16GB memory and a micro SD card slot are all part of the package too, as is a rear fingerprint scanner and impressive 3500mAh battery.

Kingzone have also promised that the Z1 will get Android 5 Lollipop in the future, but will ship with their own KOS V1.2 ROM based on Kitkat. Pricing is around $200, which but’s it in direct competition with the JiaYu S3, iOcean MT6752 and Elephone P7000! Which would you choose?

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  1. Manos
    February 23, 2015

    Looking very good but they should have 3gb ram and Android 5 ! I like that is light and have 3500 battery

    • February 24, 2015

      I think for the vast majority of people 2GB will be fine. I’ve been using a 2GB phone for the last couple months and never came across an out of memory error once; in fact, I would always run out of battery before running out of RAM lol.

      • desponent
        February 24, 2015

        Out of Memory error? What android version are you running, 2.1?

        The first indication of modern phone running out of memory is no indication.

        • February 24, 2015

          Excuse me, I used the wrong term: out of memory ISSUE. I’m replying to this comment on the 9th tab in Chrome with a dozen other apps running on a 2GB Chinese phone (K900) that I haven’t rebooted in days with no memory related issues to speak of. 3GB for me is an unnecessary luxury (i.e., good to have, but nowhere near a deal breaker).

  2. Simon
    February 23, 2015

    Hopefully previous owners of Kingzone smartphones such as the K1 Turbo can comment. It does look very smart however.

    • Paul Sleight
      February 23, 2015

      I have a K1turbo. Sadly I crushed it a few weeks ago! Back using an old Nexus 4 now.
      K1 screen was superb. Build quality excellent. Seem to be a problem with the rear noise cancelling mic, held in right hand a finger tended to cover the hole and all was OK, held in left hand hole open and people receiving the call get lots of noise and feedback. Customer service was poor and a promised upgrade from android 4.2 to 4.4 never happened.
      This Z1 needs to have FHD screen and 3gb ram to be competitive. Yes, a good 720p screen is satisfactory and it is difficult to tell the difference most of the time. It’s KNOWING that its not as good as it could be that alters one’s perception of it.

      • Simon
        February 23, 2015

        Thanks for response. Is it a case of style over substance ?

      • Xalstic
        February 23, 2015

        The K1 Turbo did receive the 4.4 Update (in January), they were late to deliver but at least they delivered. The phone itself is great, as others say the screen is quite amazing for the price. There is decent ROM support too (Im currently using a Kitkat Debloat ROM with Xposed), it comes with a near stock Kitkat anyway. Coming from the Huawei P6 (which the K1 is based off of) there are only a couple things I like more on the P6 then the K1, and both of those are software based (the Huawei permissions app on 4.2 was great).

        The only con I would say is the weight, for me, it is quite heavy for a phone (190g) and the battery life is decent at best (though from what Ive heard using greenify or apps like it help a bit in terms of battery life), they released a bigger capacity battery but I dont have it nor heard much about the supposed extra battery life yet. Performance wise, I havent had any game not work or lag, from asphalt to TWAU, its general performance is also fine, havent add many slow downs etc, only when I first boot up its a bit laggy but couple seconds later its fine. Camera is good, Ive heard some negative comments about it but for my use its okay, the sad part is the camera sensor is quite good but the software for it is quite bad so I recommend getting a new camera app to utilize it better. The look and feel is great, its much better then the P6 (its design is from P6 but its feel is more closer to the Lenovo K900).

        Overall, its a great phone in the $250 price range, only thing lacking is the slow support from Kingzone, but hopefully they can improve on that as they are quite a small company

        • Simon
          February 24, 2015

          What is call quality like ?

          • Xalstic
            February 25, 2015

            I actually had a problem when I first got the phone, it was really hard to hear when in a call but eventually I found out that for some reason the Audio settings on the phone was set very low (to protect you ear I guess). After finding that out, I simply went into Engineer Mode (for MTK device) and raised the volume to better suit my needs. Now, I dont have any problem hearing nor does the person calling me.

            This was with 4.2, updating to 4.4 the stock audio settings are already good so no need to change settings. The call quality is great, havent had any problems after the fix, Ive only had two problems with this phone as I stated in my above comment otherwise its a great phone

        • bassa
          February 24, 2015

          do you recommend any camera app

          • Xalstic
            February 25, 2015

            Ive used the Lenovo SuperCamera app from xda, its pretty robust, so it takes sometime getting used too but I like it

      • wackenroader
        February 23, 2015

        3gb ram and FHD screen is planned for Z1 Turbo.

        • desponent
          February 24, 2015

          Source please, I need to know this is true.

        • Paul Sleight
          February 24, 2015

          If that’s true it might just go to the top of my list! I like the black and gold look (maybe dark blue) and it would certainly make sense as they did the same with the K1 and K1 turbo

          • Simon
            February 24, 2015

            Do you think call quality will be sorted out ?

        • Simon
          February 24, 2015

          How do you know that ?

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      February 23, 2015

      I’ve just traded in my Kingzone K1 Turbo for the Ecoo Aurora E04. I must say the E04 is a wonderful device but I also have a high opinion off the Kingzone. I must say that the difference between a 720p and a 1080p on a 5.5″ screen is definitely noticeable. No matter what other people say; I cannot go back to lower than 1080p anymore, I really do see the difference. That doesn’t say anything about 720p displays; they can be very crisp and when using a high quality panel like this new Kingzone does it will be all good 🙂

      3GB is not usefull for now. It’s just like the octa-core business Mediatek used. The first batches of new phones using octa-cores (MT6592) where cool to have but there aren’t many app that can use so many cores. Now more and more apps are supporting multi-cores and it’s second generation (MT6752). It will be the same with the 3GB ram; by the time Apps (and OS’s) are starting to use the full potential of 3GB’s of RAM, there will be newer phones to look at and the processor on this one will be outdated. Of course it doesn’t apply to some people with some wishes etc etc but in my vision this is the market trend.

      • Simon
        February 23, 2015

        Good to know.

      • desponent
        February 24, 2015

        There is no app that will ever use full potential of 3GB ram in android phones unless they start becoming servers. It’s about how you use your phone, if you do a lot of multitasking, 3GB of ram can be noticeable.

        The notion that there’s enough ram for a given time is silly. Read Bill Gate’s quote and see how it hold up today.

        • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
          February 24, 2015

          How can you say they nobody will ever make an app that uses 3GB of RAM? That’s what people thought year ago with computers too. My father bought 1MB of RAM for his work-PC and people went totally ape-shit: “who needs so much RAM? It’s insane, it’s useless, blabla.” Now I have 16GB in my PC and somethings I use most of it. Most PC’s have like 4GB which they need for OS, browsing, movies, etc and it will be used.

          By the way, don’t some Android games already use 1GB? With OS resources it’s near 2GB in use. By the end of 2015 a app (game) may appear which uses 1.5 or 2GB. Some years ago all phones had 512MB of RAM, after a while it became it starts with 3GB. That has gotten all to do with time and how the market evolves. I don’t find that silly at all. It’s only a matter of time ‘daily apps’ start to use more and more RAM. I mean, I remember that Facebook App was like 5MB of rom storage, now it’s 30 or so? Why shouldn’t that happen with RAM?

          • desponent
            February 24, 2015

            Yes, anybody could make an app that make use of 3GB of ram. Heck I could make you one but that doesn’t mean that they have to make one, especially if they want to make sure that their apps is going to sell/received well.

            Also read again what I’m saying, digest it carefully, read “multi-task” and “everyone’s need”. I’m not disapproving the need of more RAM for mobile but a single app who need that much RAM. Even on PC only select professional software need that much RAM to operate. You’re insane if you think any competent mobile developers specify that much of RAM for their app to run. That’s practically suicide.

            Some inefficient mobile game may need them but not a full 3GB of it and even if they state that they need 1GB, they don’t actually use it all, just that your phone has to have that much and they will use fraction of it.

            • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
              February 24, 2015

              I digested it carefully, thank you for the tasty snack.

              You are right of course, an app that needs so much RAM is written by a bad developer. But I think we’re not hearing each other correctly. I meant to say that 3GB of RAM it too At present time. By the time it is actually useful there are new generations of phones. That was where I wanted to make the comparison with processors: by the time octa cores are really useful, there are newer versions.

            • desponent
              February 24, 2015

              And what I’m trying to say is that the notion that any amount of ram is enough for a given time is silly. Why? Because RAM usage on android depend on each user’s usage pattern and you can’t assume your pattern match other people. YOU may not need them, but maybe other people do.

              I know my parent would appreciate the extra RAM. Why? Because they don’t religiously close their apps and they love to leave running application open because they don’t know nor care (or should to), they only know whether a phone is smooth or not.

              You can’t really compare CPU core with RAM because they have fundamental difference on how they can be used. Heck, even with growing consumer’s RAM need the CPU side remain stagnant with 4 as the golden ratio in PC space since like 10 years ago. Simply because how it’s used (not gonna going to go in depth for this, you can logically think it yourself).

      • Rar
        March 1, 2015

        What about the battery life of Ecoo E04?

        • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
          March 1, 2015

          The Ecoo E04 has a 3000mah battery and lasts me trough the day. During the entire night it used only 1 or maybe 2% because I put it on Airplane Mode. I use the phone a lot and I can use it for a day with: maximum screen brightness, a hour of YouTube a day, two hours of music listening and a lot of e-mail reading, browsing, etc.

        • Guest
          March 2, 2015

          It gets me through the day 🙂 I use the phone very intensively with lot’s of music listening and some games. Though, I still think they can optimize the ROM some more. During some small tasks I think the battery drainage could be a little less.
          But overall the battery life of this device is very good 🙂

  3. Rob
    February 23, 2015

    If its as good as the k1 then it should be a cracking phone. Only downsides I can see are the HD screen and 2GB RAM. The competition are using FHD and 3GB. Hopefully get a review of this soon.

    • Simon
      February 23, 2015

      Is the difference between HD & FHD quite noticeable ?

      • BotondKisKovacs
        February 23, 2015

        The difference is noticeable but tbh I was surprised how well HD (720p) looks even on a 5.5 inch screen when I got my Xiaomi Note.

        • Simon
          February 23, 2015


      • Rob
        February 23, 2015

        A good HD screen of around 5″ is not that noticeable but at 5.5″ you will start to see differences, especially in things like text that are not quite as sharp. Saying that I would take a good high end HD panel over a cheap FHD one!

        • Simon
          February 23, 2015

          Fair enough.

      • desponent
        February 23, 2015

        Yes. Especially if you do a lot of text reading, which I’m planning to if I have a 5.5″ phone. This is a dealbreaker for me.

        • Simon
          February 24, 2015

          I agree, utilise that 5.5″ screen. I wonder how long after launch they will release the Z1 turbo ?

    • Riccardo Benzoni
      February 23, 2015

      it’s a JDI HD panel, should be good and both battery and performance will say thanks! 3gb ram is pretty useless and will be for a lot of time. I’m pretty amazed by the 3500mah battery (if true) with such a design!

  4. BotondKisKovacs
    February 23, 2015

    This phone would look very beautiful if it didn’t have the 2 most annoying design features ever used on phones. Nothing can make a piece of technology look cheaper than gold color and white faceplate. Some might like it but for me it’s the worst they can do. I’d rather have no phone than have a golden phone with white face.

    • February 24, 2015

      These are also two things that they can change by offering different color options.

    • bassa
      February 24, 2015

      its silver not gold. they changed it

      • dav
        February 25, 2015

        where do you read that? I need confirm it, please.

          • dav
            February 26, 2015

            But…that is golden! At least I think that is golden…maybe I’m colour-blind XD

            • BotondKisKovacs
              March 4, 2015

              I think it’s just the same golden color but the lighting is stronger and the colors of the image are bit washed out

    • Ken Hoey
      March 4, 2015

      ever hear of a case or skins?

      • BotondKisKovacs
        March 4, 2015

        ever heard of not spending money on ugly plastic to cover a nice phone that feels good?

        • Ken Hoey
          March 4, 2015

          Than you should be talking to iPhone owners as they but their phones in coffins. As for myself I don’t use cases. There’s no problem with the way the phone looks at all. You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

  5. Simon
    February 23, 2015

    Out of interest how has Kingzone done in the Chinese market ?

  6. February 23, 2015

    I love the design of this phone. Personally, I don’t care about the HD screen. The pixel density is still quite superb on a 5.5 inch screen. I’ll choose this over the Jiayu S3 or iOcean MT6752 Rock. Plus HD screen will be easier on the battery too.

    Andi, please review this phone as soon as possible.

  7. Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
    February 23, 2015

    Does anyone have a phone with a fingerprint reader on the rear? Does it work well? Like, convenience? I have a fingerprint scanner in the home-button and that works great, can’t image it to work great when it’s on the back of the phone…

    • Jean-Francois Gagnon
      February 28, 2015

      My daughter has an Elephone P3000S with the fingerprint reader in the back and it’s fine. She uses it to unlock the phone. Remember the Motorola Atrix? the reader was in the back too.

      • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
        March 1, 2015

        OK. I need to find one to test for myself. Thank you for your answer

  8. Guest
    February 23, 2015

    Looking very good but they should have 3gb ram and Android 5 ! I like that is light and have 3500 battery

    • 10basetom
      February 24, 2015

      I think for the vast majority of people 2GB will be fine. I’ve been using a 2GB phone for the last couple months and never came across an out of memory error once; in fact, I would always run out of battery before running out of RAM lol.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      Out of Memory error? What android version are you running, 2.1?

      The first indication of modern phone running out of memory is no indication.

    • 10basetom
      February 24, 2015

      Excuse me, I used the wrong term: out of memory ISSUE. I’m replying to this comment on the 9th tab in Chrome with a dozen other apps running on a 2GB Chinese phone (K900) that I haven’t rebooted in days with no memory related issues to speak of. 3GB for me is an unnecessary luxury (i.e., good to have, but nowhere near a deal breaker).

  9. Guest
    February 23, 2015

    Hopefully previous owners of Kingzone smartphones such as the K1 Turbo can comment. It does look very smart however.

    • Paul Sleight
      February 23, 2015

      I have a K1turbo. Sadly I crushed it a few weeks ago! Back using an old Nexus 4 now.
      K1 screen was superb. Build quality excellent. Seem to be a problem with the rear noise cancelling mic, held in right hand a finger tended to cover the hole and all was OK, held in left hand hole open and people receiving the call get lots of noise and feedback. Customer service was poor and a promised upgrade from android 4.2 to 4.4 never happened.
      This Z1 needs to have FHD screen and 3gb ram to be competitive. Yes, a good 720p screen is satisfactory and it is difficult to tell the difference most of the time. It’s KNOWING that its not as good as it could be that alters one’s perception of it.

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      February 23, 2015

      I’ve just traded in my Kingzone K1 Turbo for the Ecoo Aurora E04. I must say the E04 is a wonderful device but I also have a high opinion off the Kingzone. I must say that the difference between a 720p and a 1080p on a 5.5″ screen is definitely noticeable. No matter what other people say; I cannot go back to lower than 1080p anymore, I really do see the difference. That doesn’t say anything about 720p displays; they can be very crisp and when using a high quality panel like this new Kingzone does it will be all good 🙂

      3GB is not usefull for now. It’s just like the octa-core business Mediatek used. The first batches of new phones using octa-cores (MT6592) where cool to have but there aren’t many app that can use so many cores. Now more and more apps are supporting multi-cores and it’s second generation (MT6752). It will be the same with the 3GB ram; by the time Apps (and OS’s) are starting to use the full potential of 3GB’s of RAM, there will be newer phones to look at and the processor on this one will be outdated. Of course it doesn’t apply to some people with some wishes etc etc but in my vision this is the market trend.

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015

      Thanks for response. Is it a case of style over substance ?

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015

      Good to know.

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015

      The K1 Turbo did receive the 4.4 Update (in January), they were late to deliver but at least they delivered. The phone itself is great, as others say the screen is quite amazing for the price. There is decent ROM support too (Im currently using a Kitkat Debloat ROM with Xposed), it comes with a near stock Kitkat anyway. Coming from the Huawei P6 (which the K1 is based off of) there are only a couple things I like more on the P6 then the K1, and both of those are software based (the Huawei permissions app on 4.2 was great).

      The only con I would say is the weight, for me, it is quite heavy for a phone (190g) and the battery life is decent at best (though from what Ive heard using greenify or apps like it help a bit in terms of battery life), they released a bigger capacity battery but I dont have it nor heard much about the supposed extra battery life yet. Performance wise, I havent had any game not work or lag, from asphalt to TWAU, its general performance is also fine, havent add many slow downs etc, only when I first boot up its a bit laggy but couple seconds later its fine. Camera is good, Ive heard some negative comments about it but for my use its okay, the sad part is the camera sensor is quite good but the software for it is quite bad so I recommend getting a new camera app to utilize it better. The look and feel is great, its much better then the P6 (its design is from P6 but its feel is more closer to the Lenovo K900).

      Overall, its a great phone in the $250 price range, only thing lacking is the slow support from Kingzone, but hopefully they can improve on that as they are quite a small company

    • wackenroader
      February 24, 2015

      3gb ram and FHD screen is planned for Z1 Turbo.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      There is no app that will ever use full potential of 3GB ram in android phones unless they start becoming servers. It’s about how you use your phone, if you do a lot of multitasking, 3GB of ram can be noticeable.

      The notion that there’s enough ram for a given time is silly. Read Bill Gate’s quote and see how it hold up today.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      Source please, I need to know this is true.

    • Paul Sleight
      February 24, 2015

      If that’s true it might just go to the top of my list! I like the black and gold look (maybe dark blue) and it would certainly make sense as they did the same with the K1 and K1 turbo

    • wackenroader
      February 24, 2015

      Se the historical release of this company,

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      So still a conjecture eh. Okay.

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      February 24, 2015

      How can you say they nobody will ever make an app that uses 3GB of RAM? That’s what people thought year ago with computers too. My father bought 1MB of RAM for his work-PC and people went totally ape-shit: “who needs so much RAM? It’s insane, it’s useless, blabla.” Now I have 16GB in my PC and somethings I use most of it. Most PC’s have like 4GB which they need for OS, browsing, movies, etc and it will be used.

      By the way, don’t some Android games already use 1GB? With OS resources it’s near 2GB in use. By the end of 2015 a app (game) may appear which uses 1.5 or 2GB. Some years ago all phones had 512MB of RAM, after a while it became it starts with 3GB. That has gotten all to do with time and how the market evolves. I don’t find that silly at all. It’s only a matter of time ‘daily apps’ start to use more and more RAM. I mean, I remember that Facebook App was like 5MB of rom storage, now it’s 30 or so? Why shouldn’t that happen with RAM?

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      Yes, anybody could make an app that make use of 3GB of ram. Heck I could make you one but that doesn’t mean that they have to make one, especially if they want to make sure that their apps is going to sell/received well.

      Also read again what I’m saying, digest it carefully, read “multi-task” and “everyone’s need”. I’m not disapproving the need of more RAM for mobile but a single app who need that much RAM. Even on PC only select professional software need that much RAM to operate. You’re insane if you think any competent mobile developers specify that much of RAM for their app to run. That’s practically suicide.

      Some inefficient mobile game may need them but not a full 3GB of it and even if they state that they need 1GB, they don’t actually use it all, just that your phone has to have that much and they will use fraction of it.

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      February 24, 2015

      I digested it carefully, thank you for the tasty snack.

      You are right of course, an app that needs so much RAM is written by a bad developer. But I think we’re not hearing each other correctly. I meant to say that 3GB of RAM it too At present time. By the time it is actually useful there are new generations of phones. That was where I wanted to make the comparison with processors: by the time octa cores are really useful, there are newer versions.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      And what I’m trying to say is that the notion that any amount of ram is enough for a given time is silly. Why? Because RAM usage on android depend on each user’s usage pattern and you can’t assume your pattern match other people. YOU may not need them, but maybe other people do.

      I know my parent would appreciate the extra RAM. Why? Because they don’t religiously close their apps and they love to leave running application open because they don’t know nor care (or should to), they only know whether a phone is smooth or not.

      You can’t really compare CPU core with RAM because they have fundamental difference on how they can be used. Heck, even with growing consumer’s RAM need the CPU side remain stagnant with 4 as the golden ratio in PC space since like 10 years ago. Simply because how it’s used (not gonna going to go in depth for this, you can logically think it yourself).

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      How do you know that ?

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      What is call quality like ?

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      Do you think call quality will be sorted out ?

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      do you recommend any camera app

    • Guest
      February 25, 2015

      I actually had a problem when I first got the phone, it was really hard to hear when in a call but eventually I found out that for some reason the Audio settings on the phone was set very low (to protect you ear I guess). After finding that out, I simply went into Engineer Mode (for MTK device) and raised the volume to better suit my needs. Now, I dont have any problem hearing nor does the person calling me.

      This was with 4.2, updating to 4.4 the stock audio settings are already good so no need to change settings. The call quality is great, havent had any problems after the fix, Ive only had two problems with this phone as I stated in my above comment otherwise its a great phone

    • Guest
      February 25, 2015

      Ive used the Lenovo SuperCamera app from xda, its pretty robust, so it takes sometime getting used too but I like it

    • Guest
      March 1, 2015

      What about the battery life of Ecoo E04?

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      March 1, 2015

      The Ecoo E04 has a 3000mah battery and lasts me trough the day. During the entire night it used only 1 or maybe 2% because I put it on Airplane Mode. I use the phone a lot and I can use it for a day with: maximum screen brightness, a hour of YouTube a day, two hours of music listening and a lot of e-mail reading, browsing, etc.

    • Guest
      March 2, 2015

      It gets me through the day 🙂 I use the phone very intensively with lot’s of music listening and some games. Though, I still think they can optimize the ROM some more. During some small tasks I think the battery drainage could be a little less.
      But overall the battery life of this device is very good 🙂

  10. Ivo001
    February 23, 2015

    The specs are really good for the price, but I find the phone kind of ugly, and i’m not really convinced by the brand. I think I’ll just get an Elephone P6000.

    • desponent
      February 23, 2015

      lol, ironic that you’re not convinced by the “brand” then choose Elephone.

      • Ivo001
        February 24, 2015

        True, but all P6000 reviews I have read are pretty good. But you’r eright, Elephone is on par with Kingzone i guess.

  11. Rob
    February 23, 2015

    If its as good as the k1 then it should be a cracking phone. Only downsides I can see are the HD screen and 2GB RAM. The competition are using FHD and 3GB. Hopefully get a review of this soon.

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015

      Is the difference between HD & FHD quite noticeable ?

    • BotondKisKovacs
      February 23, 2015

      The difference is noticeable but tbh I was surprised how well HD (720p) looks even on a 5.5 inch screen when I got my Xiaomi Note.

    • Rob
      February 23, 2015

      A good HD screen of around 5″ is not that noticeable but at 5.5″ you will start to see differences, especially in things like text that are not quite as sharp. Saying that I would take a good high end HD panel over a cheap FHD one!

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015

      Fair enough.

    • Guest
      February 23, 2015


    • Riccardo Benzoni
      February 23, 2015

      it’s a JDI HD panel, should be good and both battery and performance will say thanks! 3gb ram is pretty useless and will be for a lot of time. I’m pretty amazed by the 3500mah battery (if true) with such a design!

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      Yes. Especially if you do a lot of text reading, which I’m planning to if I have a 5.5″ phone. This is a dealbreaker for me.

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      I agree, utilise that 5.5″ screen. I wonder how long after launch they will release the Z1 turbo ?

  12. BotondKisKovacs
    February 23, 2015

    This phone would look very beautiful if it didn’t have the 2 most annoying design features ever used on phones. Nothing can make a piece of technology look cheaper than gold color and white faceplate. Some might like it but for me it’s the worst they can do. I’d rather have no phone than have a golden phone with white face.

    • 10basetom
      February 24, 2015

      These are also two things that they can change by offering different color options.

    • Guest
      February 24, 2015

      its silver not gold. they changed it

    • Guest
      February 25, 2015

      where do you read that? I need confirm it, please.

    • Guest
      February 25, 2015

      watch this

    • Guest
      February 26, 2015

      But…that is golden! At least I think that is golden…maybe I’m colour-blind XD

    • Ken Hoey
      March 4, 2015

      ever hear of a case or skins?

    • BotondKisKovacs
      March 4, 2015

      ever heard of not spending money on ugly plastic to cover a nice phone that feels good?

    • BotondKisKovacs
      March 4, 2015

      I think it’s just the same golden color but the lighting is stronger and the colors of the image are bit washed out

    • Ken Hoey
      March 5, 2015

      Than you should be talking to iPhone owners as they but their phones in coffins. As for myself I don’t use cases. There’s no problem with the way the phone looks at all. You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

  13. Guest
    February 23, 2015

    Out of interest how has Kingzone done in the Chinese market ?

  14. Michael Ogbonnaya
    February 23, 2015

    I love the design of this phone. Personally, I don’t care about the HD screen. The pixel density is still quite superb on a 5.5 inch screen. I’ll choose this over the Jiayu S3 or iOcean MT6752 Rock. Plus HD screen will be easier on the battery too.

    Andi, please review this phone as soon as possible.

  15. Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
    February 23, 2015

    Does anyone have a phone with a fingerprint reader on the rear? Does it work well? Like, convenience? I have a fingerprint scanner in the home-button and that works great, can’t image it to work great when it’s on the back of the phone…

    • Jean-Francois Gagnon
      March 1, 2015

      My daughter has an Elephone P3000S with the fingerprint reader in the back and it’s fine. She uses it to unlock the phone. Remember the Motorola Atrix? the reader was in the back too.

    • Jeep ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
      March 1, 2015

      OK. I need to find one to test for myself. Thank you for your answer

  16. Ivo001
    February 23, 2015

    The specs are really good for the price, but I find the phone kind of ugly, and i’m not really convinced by the brand. I think I’ll just get an Elephone P6000.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      lol, ironic that you’re not convinced by the “brand” then choose Elephone.

    • Ivo001
      February 24, 2015

      True, but all P6000 reviews I have read are pretty good. But you’r eright, Elephone is on par with Kingzone i guess.

  17. desponent
    February 24, 2015

    Hopefully they change that tacky gold color for/if they do release the turbo version. Tacky.

  18. February 24, 2015

    So far the Z1 is the most promising MT6752 phone, with the Meizu m1 note a close second place. What separates the Z1 from the rest of the pack is the fact that it’s gotta be the lightest 5.5″ metal phone with the largest battery. That fingerprint scanner is icing on the cake. Also, Kingzone has proven that they can make quality hardware with the K1 Turbo.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      With HD screen on 5.5″ at $200. Very promising indeed.

      • February 24, 2015

        Why would you need more than 1080×1920 on a 5.5-in screen unless you use the phone three inches from your face. Two of the most annoying smartphone trends are: (1) thinner phones at the cost of battery life, and (2) phones with 2K displays…yep, at the cost of battery life (and performance).

  19. February 24, 2015

    I just read their press release: it does NOT have a 1.0 mm bezel — it’s actually 1.8 mm. This is not the first time that a Chinese phone maker has lied about the bezel size in the marketing materials — what’s up with that? They must have some kind of bezel fettish.

    • Gavin Mole
      February 24, 2015

      do you know the rest of the dimensions?

  20. desponent
    February 24, 2015

    Hopefully they change that tacky gold color for/if they do release the turbo version. Tacky.

  21. slartiblart
    February 24, 2015

    Actually in black it looks really good. In all honesty I’m excited about this phone. Really good specs and a Sony imx214 camera. For the price, seems like it can’t go wrong.

  22. 10basetom
    February 24, 2015

    So far the Z1 is the most promising MT6752 phone, with the Meizu m1 note a close second place. What separates the Z1 from the rest of the pack is the fact that it’s gotta be the lightest 5.5″ metal phone with the largest battery. That fingerprint scanner is icing on the cake. Also, Kingzone has proven that they can make quality hardware with the K1 Turbo.

    • desponent
      February 24, 2015

      With HD screen on 5.5″ at $200. Very promising indeed.

    • 10basetom
      February 24, 2015

      Why would you need more than 1080×1920 on a 5.5-in screen unless you use the phone three inches from your face. Two of the most annoying smartphone trends are: (1) thinner phones at the cost of battery life, and (2) phones with 2K displays…yep, at the cost of battery life (and performance).

  23. 10basetom
    February 24, 2015

    I just read their press release: it does NOT have a 1.0 mm bezel — it’s actually 1.8 mm. This is not the first time that a Chinese phone maker has lied about the bezel size in the marketing materials — what’s up with that? They must have some kind of bezel fettish.

    • Gavin Mole
      February 24, 2015

      do you know the rest of the dimensions?

  24. slartiblart
    February 24, 2015

    Actually in black it looks really good. In all honesty I’m excited about this phone. Really good specs and a Sony imx214 camera. For the price, seems like it can’t go wrong.

  25. Nick
    February 24, 2015

    Apple made a therm “Retina-displays”. There are displays with 300 ppi density, People’s eye can’t see more ppi. 5,5′ with 720p has 294 ppi.So, I think, it is only bla-bla-bla about problems with pixel density

  26. Guest
    February 24, 2015

    Apple made a therm “Retina-displays”. There are displays with 300 ppi density, People’s eye can’t see more ppi. 5,5′ with 720p has 294 ppi.So, I think, it is only bla-bla-bla about problems with pixel density

  27. Rohan
    February 25, 2015

    Guys best chance to earn money,,, i tried it and it worked…. no scam i think.. cause i got 1 payment also… need to pay any money.. just follow this link.

  28. Guest
    February 25, 2015

    Guys best chance to earn money,,, i tried it and it worked…. no scam i think.. cause i got 1 payment also… need to pay any money.. just follow this link.

    February 25, 2015

    It all boils down to camera quality.

  30. Big Gay Warrior
    February 25, 2015

    Hey guys,

    I need some help. I have been tasked with getting a phone for my partners ealdery mother in law. (She is 75) I am looking for the best option in the $200 to $300 range. Requirements are decent battery, preferably 6 inch plus screen.

    Please give me a few suggestions for i am all at sea, all at sea


    Xxxxx BGW

    February 25, 2015

    It all boils down to camera quality.

  32. Guest
    February 25, 2015

    Hey guys,

    I need some help. I have been tasked with getting a phone for my partners ealdery mother in law. (She is 75) I am looking for the best option in the $200 to $300 range. Requirements are decent battery, preferably 6 inch plus screen.

    Please give me a few suggestions for i am all at sea, all at sea


    Xxxxx BGW

  33. Sorin Balan
    March 15, 2015

    Do you have a Review planned for this phone in the imediate future?

  34. Sorin Balan
    March 15, 2015

    Do you have a Review planned for this phone in the imediate future?