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OpenAI Announces AI-Powered Search Engine, Challenging Google

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Google Search Ends Continuous Scrolling, Brings Back Pages

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GCam 9.2 (V14) Update Arrives. How to Install On Almost All Android Smartphones

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You know what is really annoying? Buying an Android tablet only to find that there is no simple way to download application for it! Actually, …

Barnes and Noble have been selling 2 different version of their popular 8GB Nook Tablet, here is how to root your 8GB 512mb RAM, Nook …

We report on a lot of Android devices here on Gizchina, and a large number of those are Android tablets which you want to buy! …

So you have just download a great load of Android apps and games from the Android Market, but now your Android tablet’s screen is looking …

With Android 4.0 Ice-cream Sandwich still fresh on the taste buds of most Android device users it seems unlikely that Google will be releasing an …

We all like to hack our Android devices, but this is one Android tablet hack we don’t want to see. This latest Android hack actually …

Dell have delved in to the smartphone market in China with their new Dell Streak Pro D43 smartphone, but unlike other manufacturers Dell have gone …

The buzz around Chinese tech sites and microblogs today is news that Amazon are (possibly) planning to officially launch their Kindle Fire Android tablet in …

The GooApple V5 is the new and improved 3rd generation model of the iPhone 4 knock-off to be launched by the Chinese manufacturer. The V5 …

  Yesterday was an interesting day for Android users in China as the official Android market was blocked for the day. While the market is …

  Android users around China, well those of them lucky enough to have the official Android market on their devices, were set off in panic …

  With a nice blazing headline like that you might be thinking the introduction of the first real bargain Android tablet is destroying knock-off and …

  The continuing censorship battle between Google and the Chinese government have taken on new developments, with the Android App store being blocked all across …

  The GooApple 3G is the BEST iPhone 4 clone hands down! Nothing get’s near it’s amazing 1:1 replica body, and I’m sure Steve Jobs …

Google users in China have experienced erratic service since left the mainland late Monday.

Did Google’s recent accusation of Motorola get your open-source ‘Spider Sense’ tingling? Or Steve Jobs leaving his post as Apple’s CEO, have you breath a …

Smart-phones are wondrous devices, it seems that every month something new is added to an already impressive list of  advanced functions. From searching the web, …

My birthday isn’t for a few months, but i’ve already found my gift! I would like a Ramos W7 MID please!

The news that Google had bought Motorola must have been a huge blow to international companies such as LG and Samsung, as well as smaller …

Google just announced that it is acquiring Motorola. Full details after the jump!