Posts in tag


The latest iPod Nano really captured the imagination of folks and quickly got turned in to, what is possibly, the first touch screen watch. Here …

I’m not sure if this is an actual purpose built waterproof white iPhone 4 knock off, a home made modification, or just a guy getting …

We’ll not quite. These images and video (after the jump) are of a Shanzhai unit which takes the look of the iPhone 4 with a …

Unfortunately we don’t mean this Macbook clone get’s a Macbook Pro spec sheet, but rather the white plastic shell opens to reveal a matt alloy …

CiPhone were one of the iPhone clone originators, but their latest CiPhone Pro brings some surprising features to the table including dual boot Android / …

I’ve seen some really ugly Shanzhai phones this year, but this F117 Stealth Fighter inspired phone really has been beaten on with the ugly stick.

The guy’s over at have had some hands on time withe the Wopad 7” Android tablet with capacitive screen. They say the sub $200 …

It’s not every day you come across a knock off phone which manages to label itself in 3 ways it isn’t. Let me elaborate. This …

What we’ve got here is a bit of an oxymoron. Shanzhai’s basic meaning is a type of local made device with major styling cues from …

If I were to tell you of a place on Earth where Apple and Google co-exist in the same product you may well look at …

The problem with being a clone maker is knowing what to clone and what changes you should make. If for example your cloning a phone …

We’ve seem some excellent looking Shanzhai (fake,clone) products this year from a whole host of companies trying to imitate the most sought after gadgets and …

This little tablet has put me in a tight situation! I’ve really been trying to get away from branding every Chinese made tablet that came …

We’ve just got wind of a HTC Evo 4G clone thats expected to ship pretty soon and with a very attractive price! The front of …

Although you can definitely see similarities between this Shenzhen made Android phone and the current iPhone you can’t really call it a clone. The shape …

Ok, to find a phone with dual functions is common, to find one with dual SIM card slot is again common, but dual branding? And …

We were really beginning to think the iPod forgers were taking an extended vacation! The iPod Nano 6 launched in September, 2 months ago, with …

Its literally been days since confirmation of a Sony PSP phone made headlines, but that relatively short passage of time has been more than enough …

Last week we posted a rather convincing looking Vaio TT netbook clone available in Shenzhen for an amazing 1500 Yuan! ($225) Not only was the …