Hands on comparison of the iPhone 6 vs Top Chinese phones

iphone 6 vs chinese smartphones

During a recent trip to Shenzhen I found a lot of evidence to support that the current iPhone 6 designs and renders we have seen are the real thing. So ahead of today’s Apple announcement lets take a hands on look of the iPhone 6 compared to the current crop of Chinese phones.

Walking around Huaqianbei in Shenzhen last week I discovered plenty of accessories are already on sale for the upcoming iPhone 6. Accessories ranging from screen protectors, to rubber cases and more are in stock in pretty much every stall in the thriving accessory market. So while walking around I decided to pick up a dummy iPhone 6 for the princely sum of 20 Yuan so that we can take a look at the next generation iPhone 6 compared to our favourite Chinese phones.

The model of iPhone 6 we are using for comparison is the 4.7-inch screened version and judging be the accessories on sale this is the phone Apple wll release today, however we did see s few models of iPhone 6 with a larger screen size of over 5-inch too but were unable to buy that model.

So without further a do lets’ take a look at the iPhone 6 when compared (physically) to the current crop of Chinese smartphones from, Meizu, Xiaomi, Meizu, Vivo, IUNI U3 and OnePlus.

iPhone 6 vs Meizu MX4

With a 5.36-inch display the MX4 is larger than the iPhone 6, but with an advanced alloy body the phone is comfy to hold and lightweight.

iPhone 6 vs Xiaomi Mi4

The Xiaomi Mi4 has been called a clone of the iPhone 5 by many, but compared to the iPhone 6 we have two very diffrent looking phones. Although the Mi4 has a 5-inch 1080 display, it is only a touch wider than the iPhone 6, and the thicker body does actually feel a little nicer in the hand to the slim iPhone.

iPhone 6 vs Vivo Xshot

The Vivo Xshot and iPhone 6 are possibly much closer in price to each other than the pther phones here. The Xshot is a few mm wider due ot the 5.5-inch display, but the curved rear of the Vivo sits in the palm of your hand better. Both are premium phones, but the iPhone will have to be something special to beat the amazing Vivo.

Gizchina News of the week

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iPhone 6 vs OnePlus One

The OnePlus One is the largest phone here, and compared to the iPhone 6 does look a little monsterous considering it only has a 5.5-inch display. Chances are though that the iPhone 6 will be 3x times more expensive than the OPO, won’t allow custom roms, wont have wooden covers and won’t have a 3100mAh battery.

iPhone 6 vs IUNI U3

2K display, LTE, dual sim, 3000 mAh battery and a price of only $320! Why would you want anything more than the IUNI U3? Could the iPhone 6 seriously be better than value than that?

iPhone 6 vs Chinese phones the conclusion

So with the iPhone 6 we are fairly sure we will see a larger 4.7-inch display, but that size is still much smaller than the smallest Chinese phone here and the size of the display does not convert to a much narrower body size. As we can see in the comparison photos the iPhone 6 is only very slightly narrower than the Xiaomi Mi4 which has a larger 5-inch display. The iPhone 6 isn’t much thinner than the Chinese phones here either with the only exception being the IUNI U3.

iphone 6 vs chinese smartphones

For owners of the current iPhone 5 or 5S the iPhone 6 is actually quite an updated in terms of design and build, but compared to to Chinese flagship devices the iPhone 6 is going to struggle unless we see some serious changes in Apple’s retail prices.

We currently don’t know the specs for the iPhone 6 but from a design standpoint alone would you consider buying the latest Apple phone over one of the top Chinese smartphones? All of the Chinese phones posted here, except the MX4, have 3GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 801 processor. 3 of them cost $320 or less, and all come with LTE options, the U3 even with dual SIM.

What do you think of the iPhone 6 compared to current Chinese phones? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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  1. Max
    September 9, 2014

    most of those iphones will be sold by companies with a 2 year contract.Then we have those apple fanatics that would buy anything from apple,regardless! I-POOP? I’m buying it!
    Something is changing though, the fact that they are coming with a 4.7 and maybe a 5+ screen it means that they don’t want to give up that portion of the market.

    • sam
      September 9, 2014

      Iphone is Iphone. I honestly didn’t believe it, but right I’m China, in Suzhou, and I see Iphones in people hands everywhere I look. Even in China, where you have a multitude of Top Android phones, Apple reins.

      • sp
        September 10, 2014

        i think they phones you are seeing are apple iphone clones since. apple doesnt have much sales in china.

        • Frank Wu
          September 10, 2014

          I agree, especially when I see small kids and grannies holding them!

          • joe
            September 10, 2014

            Hey Frank I like your gizmochina website.

      • balcobomber25
        September 12, 2014

        Apples market share in China is less than 7%….

  2. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 9, 2014

    Yeah and out of those 6 phones only one will get software updates for the next 4 years, can you guess which one?

    • Huehuehue
      September 9, 2014

      Yeah and out of all the users none is gonna keep the same phone for four years. Well, some do, but not one that calls himself Angry Mobile Nerd

      • ferdi
        September 9, 2014

        haha brilliant

        • Angry Mobile Nerd
          September 9, 2014

          As for you, it’s hilarious how much better a four year old iPhone4 is than the average phone used in your home country, Ferdi.

          • balcobomber25
            September 10, 2014

            As for you its hilarious how you try to claim your not an Apple fanboy, but everyone of your comments is about how “amazing” Apple is. You trying to convince us or yourself that you are not a fanboy?

          • ferdi
            January 23, 2015

            Wrong!. My country is in top 10 country with the highest smartphone penetration in the world. Apples European headquarters is in the City where I live, You tit!

      • Angry Mobile Nerd
        September 9, 2014

        I’m not an iPhone user, but I’m also not a cheap Chinese phone user, either. And what are you, let me guess, a Xiaomi user — right? Or what is, Micromax? a Moto G? oh oh, I know, a Zenphone? Come on, speak up.

        Sure most people don’t use the same phone for four years, but a lot of people do use their phone for two years and you’d be lucky if any of the 5 Chinese phones above even give you a 2 year software update window, and I’d wager only the Oneplus will get an update to Android L.

        Funny Android owners are always b*tching about poor support and lack of software updates and now your comment suggests not only you don’t even need it, but you’re actually bashing Apple’s excellent support and software update track record as well. That’s just stupid.

        • Huehuehue
          September 9, 2014

          How did you even get in here then? Those who read this are users or interested in “cheap chinese phones”.
          Also, this is a physical comparison for fucks sake. What the fuck it has to do the updates and support?
          But I diverge. I praise a company that gives support for its users, but that support has a price. Some people will have a $700 smartphone and its OK. But frankly I can’t pay that for a cellphone and a bunch of updates. And I really don’t care. I have a Zopo C2 Platinum stuck in android 4.2 and has not yet came the day in which I thought “Oh fuck I can’t do this because I don’t have KitKat”.
          I been with it over a year and, as you accurately say, I plan to use it for another year or so and I don’t think I will discard it because it will become useless due to lack of updates.
          Anyway my point is everybody here knows what we are buying. Want support and updates? Good for you. Pay it and you have it. Want to save a couple hundred bucks? You got it. But forget about L. We know that. We accept it. We don’t need a bitchy smartass to come to tell us we will not have the latest version because, as informed users of “cheap chinese phones” thet we are, we know what we are dealing with.

          BTW I read some of your other comments and you are always bitching about anything. I’m really sorry for you and hope that you found some meaningful way of feeling fulfilled other that this.
          Thank you for reading.

          • Angry Mobile Nerd
            September 9, 2014

            I’ve been in China before most of these local manufacturers even existed, I’m actually quite interested in this up and coming segment as now they’re finally starting to release capable phones at prices that make sense. I’m in Southern China (like Andi) and it’s like the Chinese Silicon Valley here so I’m always seeing new devices at the markets and shops, not to mention the factories and head offices are a short trip away.

            You’re right, it *was* suppose to be a physical comparison until the author started dropping specs and prices left and right by the end of the article — thus I feel my support comment is quite valid. I’m actually quite like you, I buy an Android device and also accept after purchase that it may or may not receive updates because my thought process is very logical and I know OEM’s have no control over the direction Google takes Android thus how can they guarantee updates?

            You’d also be surprised I’m actually quite helpful in other forums. As I said, I’m quite logical in thinking and my comments are usually quite thought out (and even anticipating replies like yours) albeit often being a smart ass in the process. I’m also probably one of the most neutral users here, I’m a fanboy to nobody and not biased towards anyone. I’m a marketing guy so if I’m bitching it’s usually about marketing/brand identity related things and not the product themselves, otherwise I don’t bitch — but I will make comments and reply to those that are just pure stupid, dumb, incorrect, illogical, BIASED (becoming a big problem on this site), lack thought/sense or fail to fit in with the content or theme of the site and/or cleverly disguising content to be otherwise.

            • balcobomber25
              September 10, 2014

              Everyone of your comments is BIASED against Chinese phones…

        • balcobomber25
          September 10, 2014

          You’re not a “cheap chinese phone user” but you spend all day on a website dedicated to Chinese phones? Do you just have no friends or no life?

          Btw you do realize just about every phone today is made in China, including the Iphone?

          • Angry Mobile Nerd
            September 10, 2014

            Look at the all the stupid fallout I get from making a factual comment about Apple’s support and software update track record (and I stated I’m a Android user already).

            You didn’t even read my other comments because if you did you would know why I read this website. Try again you dim wit. Actually before gizchina I read micgadget before it was taken down.

            If you knew anything about anything of manufacturing in China (are you even in China?) you’d know there is still a disparity between “chinese phones” engineered by Chinese for Chinese made by Chinese and foreign companies who just manufacture in China but the engineering is done elsewhere and their products sold in markets around the world (although this disparity gap is closing which is why this segment is getting more interesting).

            If you take such offence to the word “cheap” then substitute “cheap” for “inexpensive”, ok? oh, and you want bias I’ll give you some bias — people aren’t as stupid on iPhone forums. There, that’s some biased opinion for you. Enjoy.

            • balcobomber25
              September 10, 2014

              Childish name calling always makes you seem more credible…

              Again if you prefer the Iphone forums, why are you here?? Seems like you are only here to talk about how great Apple is and pick fights with fans of “inexpensive” Chinese phones.

  3. SRPat
    September 9, 2014

    The iPhone has competitive specs which are probably better than current Android flagships.
    The SOC in the iPhone, the A8 will probably have better single threaded CPU performance than the phones with the Snapdragon 801 and 805. The GPU will be more powerful than Adreno 330, Adreno 430 in the 801 and 805.
    The camera will probably be better than the Chinese phones due to better software processing and a sensor with a smaller pixel count, but larger pixels.
    The only arguable problem would be 1GB RAM.
    A larger screen size doesn’t mean a better phone.

    • balcobomber25
      September 9, 2014

      That’s a lot of “probably’s”. Most Chinese flagship phones have excellent camera’s (usually supplied by Sony) as well as excellent software. A larger screen doesn’t mean a better phone, but an HD screen usually means a better viewing experience. This comment was straight out of the Apple Fanboy Handbook.

    • yudhir
      September 10, 2014

      Camera on iphone is relatively same as other flagship ,add ois. . But It usually brings chart topping Hardware to the table , That last few months in benchmarks lists . However it needs to be seen with S805 and s810 and mtk6595 already in market.

    • President Putin
      September 10, 2014

      You all four “probably” statements are not true for Apple. Current android phones are better in all 4 aspects. CPU, GPU doesn’t matter to an average user so i am only going to comment on Camera lens.

      Iphone doesn’t have large pixels. It aperture is f/2.2 whereas many chinese phones have better lens assembly and aperture of f/1.8 or f/2.0

      But this comment doesn’t matter either, because “probably” you will keep on thinking that apple is the best.

      • SRPat
        September 10, 2014

        With the exception of the HTC One (2 micron pixels), most flagship Android phones have 1.13 micron pixels, while the iPhone 5S and 6 have 1.5 micron pixels. While I prefer using Android phones, I dislike the megapixel race in cameras, I would prefer an 8 mp (1.7 micron) 1/2.5 inch sensor, the larger pixels will allow for better low light photography, which is where smartphones currently suffer in. A f/2.0 aperture with 6 element lens, would also be ideal, the wider aperture would allow for better low light performance and faster focusing, while the 6 element lens would compensate for distortion caused by a wider aperture.
        The statements I have made about Apple SOCs is based on information and tests done by Anandtech.

        • President Putin
          September 11, 2014

          Ah, Thanks! I didn’t knew apple increased sensor size.

  4. balcobomber25
    September 9, 2014

    I bough the Nubia Z7 which is equal too or better than almost every phone listed there.

    • sandertrots
      September 9, 2014

      how is the battery life of nubia z7 ?

      • balcobomber25
        September 9, 2014

        I get a full day out of it it also supports quick charge. Never actually timed it but I leave for work at 7 and get home at 7/8 and it still got juice.

        • zaikatanox
          September 12, 2014

          Are you in the US? Does LTE work fine and with which carrier?

          • balcobomber25
            September 12, 2014

            I am currently in Thailand and it works here on LTE not sure about the US.

  5. Thor Jane
    September 9, 2014

    iPhone was something when it came out but today practically any Android device beats it. There is even no need to compare it any more. iPhone users are completely different market than us Android users.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 9, 2014

      Actually that was my first thoughts when reading this article, but most people here don’t…er.. cannot understand. This is worse than comparing Macs to PCs — it’s like comparing Macs to *cheap* PCs.

  6. Dro
    September 9, 2014

    MX4 ftw! Its all about the aesthetics.. Every high end devices have good specs, exynos mtk sd, its all good for daily phone use, unless ur a die hard gamer ofcourse.

  7. ferdi
    September 9, 2014

    3 of them cost $320 or less? link these prices if anyone has them @that price

  8. Guest
    September 9, 2014

    most of those iphones will be sold by companies with a 2 year contract.Then we have those apple fanatics that would buy anything from apple,regardless! I-POOP? I’m buying it!
    Something is changing though, the fact that they are coming with a 4.7 and maybe a 5+ screen it means that they don’t want to give up that portion of the market.

    • Guest
      September 9, 2014

      Iphone is Iphone. I honestly didn’t believe it, but right I’m China, in Suzhou, and I see Iphones in people hands everywhere I look. Even in China, where you have a multitude of Top Android phones, Apple reins.

    • Guest
      September 10, 2014

      i think they phones you are seeing are apple iphone clones since. apple doesnt have much sales in china.

    • Frank Wu
      September 10, 2014

      I agree, especially when I see small kids and grannies holding them!

    • Guest
      September 11, 2014

      Hey Frank I like your gizmochina website.

    • balcobomber25
      September 12, 2014

      Apples market share in China is less than 7%….

  9. Zeeshan Nathani
    September 9, 2014

    Iphone just has a huge goodwill among the Americans, and for most americans seemed to be an inspiration. SO like this way iphones spreads through the americans.
    I’m pretty damn sure if the Americans STOP using apple products the whole supply of Apple product would just decline Like the Great “NOKIA” (R.I.P).
    The americans Just use Iphone ‘coz it so expensive and all. Its nothing but just SNOB APPEAL

    • balcobomber25
      September 9, 2014

      60% of Apple’s yearly revenue comes from international sales….

      • Zeeshan Nathani
        September 10, 2014

        40% is not a small share
        Almost 40% of revenue from a single country !!!
        According to how US is presented in Media being a developed and technologically advanced country, the people in developing countries prefer to follow their way of living; their style of clothes, songs, accent etc.
        Buyign IPhone in America may not be a big deal, but buying one in LDC, the person is considered to be rich, wealthy etc.

        • Zeeshan Nathani
          September 10, 2014

          sorry for all that, but apple products are so much overpriced compared to chinese. Although the iphone’s look good, and have good specs, they should be priced around $250-$350 or maybe $400, but thats gonna be top of the line, but $700-$1000 is far more overpriced

  10. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 9, 2014

    Yeah and out of those 6 phones only one will get software updates for the next 4 years, can you guess which one?

    • Guest
      September 9, 2014

      Yeah and out of all the users none is gonna keep the same phone for four years. Well, some do, but not one that calls himself Angry Mobile Nerd

    • ferdi
      September 9, 2014

      haha brilliant

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 9, 2014

      I’m not an iPhone user, but I’m also not a cheap Chinese phone user, either. And what are you, let me guess, a Xiaomi user — right? Or what is, Micromax? a Moto G? oh oh, I know, a Zenphone? Come on, speak up.

      Sure most people don’t use the same phone for four years, but a lot of people do use their phone for two years and you’d be lucky if any of the 5 Chinese phones above even give you a 2 year software update window, and I’d wager only the Oneplus will get an update to Android L.

      Funny Android owners are always b*tching about poor support and lack of software updates and now your comment suggests not only you don’t even need it, but you’re actually bashing Apple’s excellent support and software update track record as well. That’s just stupid.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 10, 2014

      As for you, it’s hilarious how much better a four year old iPhone4 is than the average phone used in your home country, Ferdi.

    • Guest
      September 10, 2014

      How did you even get in here then? Those who read this are users or interested in “cheap chinese phones”.
      Also, this is a physical comparison for fucks sake. What the fuck it has to do the updates and support?
      But I diverge. I praise a company that gives support for its users, but that support has a price. Some people will have a $700 smartphone and its OK. But frankly I can’t pay that for a cellphone and a bunch of updates. And I really don’t care. I have a Zopo C2 Platinum stuck in android 4.2 and has not yet came the day in which I thought “Oh fuck I can’t do this because I don’t have KitKat”.
      I been with it over a year and, as you accurately say, I plan to use it for another year or so and I don’t think I will discard it because it will become useless due to lack of updates.
      Anyway my point is everybody here knows what we are buying. Want support and updates? Good for you. Pay it and you have it. Want to save a couple hundred bucks? You got it. But forget about L. We know that. We accept it. We don’t need a bitchy smartass to come to tell us we will not have the latest version because, as informed users of “cheap chinese phones” thet we are, we know what we are dealing with.

      BTW I read some of your other comments and you are always bitching about anything. I’m really sorry for you and hope that you found some meaningful way of feeling fulfilled other that this.
      Thank you for reading.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 10, 2014

      I’ve been in China before most of these local manufacturers even existed, I’m actually quite interested in this up and coming segment as now they’re finally starting to release capable phones at prices that make sense. I’m in Southern China (like Andi) and it’s like the Chinese Silicon Valley here so I’m always seeing new devices at the markets and shops, not to mention the factories and head offices are a short trip away.

      You’re right, it *was* suppose to be a physical comparison until the author started dropping specs and prices left and right by the end of the article — thus I feel my support comment is quite valid. I’m actually quite like you, I buy an Android device and also accept after purchase that it may or may not receive updates because my thought process is very logical and I know OEM’s have no control over the direction Google takes Android thus how can they guarantee updates?

      You’d also be surprised I’m actually quite helpful in other forums. As I said, I’m quite logical in thinking and my comments are usually quite thought out (and even anticipating replies like yours) albeit often being a smart ass in the process. I’m also probably one of the most neutral users here, I’m a fanboy to nobody and not biased towards anyone. I’m a marketing guy so if I’m bitching it’s usually about marketing/brand identity related things and not the product themselves, otherwise I don’t bitch — but I will make comments and reply to those that are just pure stupid, dumb, incorrect, illogical, BIASED (becoming a big problem on this site), lack thought/sense or fail to fit in with the content or theme of the site and/or cleverly disguising content to be otherwise.

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      You’re not a “cheap chinese phone user” but you spend all day on a website dedicated to Chinese phones? Do you just have no friends or no life?

      Btw you do realize just about every phone today is made in China, including the Iphone?

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      Everyone of your comments is BIASED against Chinese phones…

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      As for you its hilarious how you try to claim your not an Apple fanboy, but everyone of your comments is about how “amazing” Apple is. You trying to convince us or yourself that you are not a fanboy?

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 10, 2014

      Look at the all the stupid fallout I get from making a factual comment about Apple’s support and software update track record (and I stated I’m a Android user already).

      You didn’t even read my other comments because if you did you would know why I read this website. Try again you dim wit. Actually before gizchina I read micgadget before it was taken down.

      If you knew anything about anything of manufacturing in China (are you even in China?) you’d know there is still a disparity between “chinese phones” engineered by Chinese for Chinese made by Chinese and foreign companies who just manufacture in China but the engineering is done elsewhere and their products sold in markets around the world (although this disparity gap is closing which is why this segment is getting more interesting).

      If you take such offence to the word “cheap” then substitute “cheap” for “inexpensive”, ok? oh, and you want bias I’ll give you some bias — people aren’t as stupid on iPhone forums. There, that’s some biased opinion for you. Enjoy.

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      Childish name calling always makes you seem more credible…

      Again if you prefer the Iphone forums, why are you here?? Seems like you are only here to talk about how great Apple is and pick fights with fans of “inexpensive” Chinese phones.

    • ferdi
      January 23, 2015

      Wrong!. My country is in top 10 country with the highest smartphone penetration in the world. Apples European headquarters is in the City where I live, You tit!

  11. Jose Manuel
    September 9, 2014

    The new iPhone has 20 bands 4G, for example Meizu only has 3, obviously the band 800 Mhz is not included. The worst of Chinese premium smartphones is that they copy the worst of Apple: No MicroSD, non-removable battery… but not the best. I honestly think these mobiles are bad copies of Apple. The case of Xiaomi is pathetic. Regards.

  12. pa5t1s
    September 9, 2014

    Now that iPhone+ is released, i def prefer my 1+1 😛

  13. SRPat
    September 9, 2014

    The iPhone has competitive specs which are probably better than current Android flagships.
    The SOC in the iPhone, the A8 will probably have better single threaded CPU performance than the phones with the Snapdragon 801 and 805. The GPU will be more powerful than Adreno 330, Adreno 430 in the 801 and 805.
    The camera will probably be better than the Chinese phones due to better software processing and a sensor with a smaller pixel count, but larger pixels.
    The only arguable problem would be 1GB RAM.
    A larger screen size doesn’t mean a better phone.

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      That’s a lot of “probably’s”. Most Chinese flagship phones have excellent camera’s (usually supplied by Sony) as well as excellent software. A larger screen doesn’t mean a better phone, but an HD screen usually means a better viewing experience. This comment was straight out of the Apple Fanboy Handbook.

    • yudhir
      September 10, 2014

      Camera on iphone is relatively same as other flagship ,add ois. . But It usually brings chart topping Hardware to the table , That last few months in benchmarks lists . However it needs to be seen with S805 and s810 and mtk6595 already in market.

    • Guest
      September 10, 2014

      You all four “probably” statements are not true for Apple. Current android phones are better in all 4 aspects. CPU, GPU doesn’t matter to an average user so i am only going to comment on Camera lens.

      Iphone doesn’t have large pixels. It aperture is f/2.2 whereas many chinese phones have better lens assembly and aperture of f/1.8 or f/2.0

      But this comment doesn’t matter either, because “probably” you will keep on thinking that apple is the best.

    • SRPat
      September 10, 2014

      With the exception of the HTC One (2 micron pixels), most flagship Android phones have 1.13 micron pixels, while the iPhone 5S and 6 have 1.5 micron pixels. While I prefer using Android phones, I dislike the megapixel race in cameras, I would prefer an 8 mp (1.7 micron) 1/2.5 inch sensor, the larger pixels will allow for better low light photography, which is where smartphones currently suffer in. A f/2.0 aperture with 6 element lens, would also be ideal, the wider aperture would allow for better low light performance and faster focusing, while the 6 element lens would compensate for distortion caused by a wider aperture.
      The statements I have made about Apple SOCs is based on information and tests done by Anandtech.

    • Guest
      September 11, 2014

      Ah, Thanks! I didn’t knew apple increased sensor size.

  14. balcobomber25
    September 9, 2014

    I bough the Nubia Z7 which is equal too or better than almost every phone listed there.

    • sandertrots
      September 9, 2014

      how is the battery life of nubia z7 ?

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      I get a full day out of it it also supports quick charge. Never actually timed it but I leave for work at 7 and get home at 7/8 and it still got juice.

    • zaikatanox
      September 12, 2014

      Are you in the US? Does LTE work fine and with which carrier?

    • balcobomber25
      September 12, 2014

      I am currently in Thailand and it works here on LTE not sure about the US.

  15. Thor Jane
    September 9, 2014

    iPhone was something when it came out but today practically any Android device beats it. There is even no need to compare it any more. iPhone users are completely different market than us Android users.

    • Angry Mobile Nerd
      September 9, 2014

      Actually that was my first thoughts when reading this article, but most people here don’t…er.. cannot understand. This is worse than comparing Macs to PCs — it’s like comparing Macs to *cheap* PCs.

  16. Dro
    September 9, 2014

    MX4 ftw! Its all about the aesthetics.. Every high end devices have good specs, exynos mtk sd, its all good for daily phone use, unless ur a die hard gamer ofcourse.

  17. September 9, 2014

    The iPhone 6 is really cheap (especially for Apple), spec. is mediocre but optimised.
    For cheap you get to brag you own the latest iOS8 iPhone 6, seems Apple will be onto a winner.

    • balcobomber25
      September 9, 2014

      It is only cheap if you buy it on contract in the US, off contract it is still over $600 US.

      • September 10, 2014

        Yeah, like all the sites I found with pricing were with contract, it was late 🙁 it’s an iPhone which I don’t care so much about, its been a hard week.
        So it’s super expensive, complete fail for an only average phone. Buy Chinese instead. Get a Vivo, Nubia Z7, mx4, mi4 …

  18. ferdi
    September 9, 2014

    3 of them cost $320 or less? link these prices if anyone has them @that price

  19. Zeeshan Nathani
    September 9, 2014

    Iphone just has a huge goodwill among the Americans, and for most americans seemed to be an inspiration. SO like this way iphones spreads through the americans.
    I’m pretty damn sure if the Americans STOP using apple products the whole supply of Apple product would just decline Like the Great “NOKIA” (R.I.P).
    The americans Just use Iphone ‘coz it so expensive and all. Its nothing but just SNOB APPEAL

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      60% of Apple’s yearly revenue comes from international sales….

    • Zeeshan Nathani
      September 10, 2014

      40% is not a small share
      Almost 40% of revenue from a single country !!!
      According to how US is presented in Media being a developed and technologically advanced country, the people in developing countries prefer to follow their way of living; their style of clothes, songs, accent etc.
      Buyign IPhone in America may not be a big deal, but buying one in LDC, the person is considered to be rich, wealthy etc.

    • Zeeshan Nathani
      September 10, 2014

      sorry for all that, but apple products are so much overpriced compared to chinese. Although the iphone’s look good, and have good specs, they should be priced around $250-$350 or maybe $400, but thats gonna be top of the line, but $700-$1000 is far more overpriced

  20. Guest
    September 9, 2014

    The new iPhone has 20 bands 4G, for example Meizu only has 3, obviously the band 800 Mhz is not included. The worst of Chinese premium smartphones is that they copy the worst of Apple: No MicroSD, non-removable battery… but not the best. I honestly think these mobiles are bad copies of Apple. The case of Xiaomi is pathetic. Regards.

  21. pa5t1s
    September 9, 2014

    Now that iPhone+ is released, i def prefer my 1+1 😛

  22. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 9, 2014

    This is the kind of BS biased articles Yash always writes, a little disappointed to see such biased opinions coming out of Andi now. It was unfair right from the get-go using a dummy iPhone6, should have waited until you got your hands on a working unit.

    • balcobomber25
      September 9, 2014

      Wasn’t really biased at all, he mainly talked about the dimensions of the phone, didn’t really get into specs.

  23. Peter Pain
    September 9, 2014

    The iPhone 6 is really cheap (especially for Apple), spec. is mediocre but optimised.
    For cheap you get to brag you own the latest iOS8 iPhone 6, seems Apple will be onto a winner.

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      It is only cheap if you buy it on contract in the US, off contract it is still over $600 US.

    • Peter Pain
      September 10, 2014

      Yeah, like all the sites I found with pricing were with contract, it was late 🙁 it’s an iPhone which I don’t care so much about, its been a hard week.
      So it’s super expensive, complete fail for an only average phone. Buy Chinese instead. Get a Vivo, Nubia Z7, mx4, mi4 …

  24. TheOracle
    September 9, 2014

    The iPhone 6 plus 16gb is approximately $1,035 off contract. No thanks Apple.

  25. Angry Mobile Nerd
    September 10, 2014

    This is the kind of BS biased articles Yash always writes, a little disappointed to see such biased opinions coming out of Andi now. It was unfair right from the get-go using a dummy iPhone6, should have waited until you got your hands on a working unit.

    • balcobomber25
      September 10, 2014

      Wasn’t really biased at all, he mainly talked about the dimensions of the phone, didn’t really get into specs.

  26. September 10, 2014

    In terms of design I prefer the Meizu MX4 because it makes me think in a possible formal evolution of iPhone 3GS.
    In terms of utility in that list I guess IUNI U3 simply for be dual sim.

  27. TheOracle
    September 10, 2014

    The iPhone 6 plus 16gb is approximately $1,035 off contract. No thanks Apple.

  28. Frank Wu
    September 10, 2014

    Like it or not, Apple is an Icon that stays in everyone’s mind and buying an iPhone is like buying a premium and prestigious product, and frankly that alone will sell millions even though most of the buyers will be using it for occasional calls, smses’, wechat, selfie, email and web browsing! You think they care about specs, usability, battery life, durability and pricing like we do here!!

    Me, i will go for the One+ and Kairos’ Watch for the price of the 6 plus!

  29. ReinoldFZ .
    September 10, 2014

    In terms of design I prefer the Meizu MX4 because it makes me think in a possible formal evolution of iPhone 3GS.
    In terms of utility in that list I guess IUNI U3 simply for be dual sim.

  30. Frank Wu
    September 10, 2014

    Like it or not, Apple is an Icon that stays in everyone’s mind and buying an iPhone is like buying a premium and prestigious product, and frankly that alone will sell millions even though most of the buyers will be using it for occasional calls, smses’, wechat, selfie, email and web browsing! You think they care about specs, usability, battery life, durability and pricing like we do here!!

    Me, i will go for the One+ and Kairos’ Watch for the price of the 6 plus!

  31. amirexpressir
    September 10, 2014

    plz compare “Colors graph and quality of screens , Cameras, and everything betwen these beasts,….I think gizchina needs such strong comparison and readers are more eager to see in which department, which phone is a winner and in which, ones fall short when compared to others

  32. amirexpressir
    September 10, 2014

    plz compare “Colors graph and quality of screens , Cameras, and everything betwen these beasts,….I think gizchina needs such strong comparison and readers are more eager to see in which department, which phone is a winner and in which, ones fall short when compared to others