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How to Protect Your Pixel 6 or Galaxy S22 From Exynos Security Flaws

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You Need to Try These 6 Hidden Tricks on Your Samsung Galaxy S23

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Top 10 smartphones for Media Consumption #2

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We all expected HTC to be one of the first big manufacturers to pounce in to the Android Tablet market, but the Taiwanese smart phone …

Samsung are a funny bunch. Instead of dising on competitors tablets and pointing our the flaws in what their rivals have done, they have actually …

Samsung may well be a little disappointed with its latest 10 inch Android tablet, the Galaxy 10, but that hasn’t stopped a clone of it …

While Chinese tablet makers await the yet to go public Android 3.0 O.S and for the relevant components to drop in price, they have been …

Wow, what a great time it is to be in the market for a tablet device! 6 of the big guns have at least one …

Nvida may have been first to release a dual core CPU for mobile devices with its Tegra 2 chips, but they won’t be the last. …

The Android tablet market is finally kicking off in the eyes of most consumers, but the Android Tablet war really started as long as 6 …

The Cherrypad is a $180 7 inch Android tablet, but if you want one at that price you had better be quick as it’s getting …

It’s becoming more and more common for people to turn to their smart-phones now to catch those memorable moments rather than point and shoot cameras. …

The Galaxy Tab has been on the market for quite a few months now, but compared to the iPad it’s seeing relatively little success (at …

Synrgic are carving a name for themselves in the tablet world. Instead of following the rest of the Chinese factories down the busy clone and …

The i9000 Galaxy S clone was already a stunning looking clone but now with its new firmware touting the actual Samsung TouchWiz 3.0 interface you …

We’re unsure if this is really a knock off Samsung Galaxy S (as the video claims) or a real hand set, but either way getting …

Samsung were certainly late entering the Android race, but they are certainly making up for that late start now. The flagship Galaxy S is already …

Last week we posted a blurry video of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet , this week though we have a great video from Korean TV  of …

Looks like someone got their grubby hands on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and managed to make this covert recording, which shows off a few of this Android tablets features. It looks great!!