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iPhone-Like Security Now on Samsung Smartphones: Everything You Need to Know

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Apple Reduces iPhone Prices in India Following Import Duty Cuts

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OpenAI Announces AI-Powered Search Engine, Challenging Google

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11 million more 3G subscribers joined the 3G pack in January bringing the total number of 3G subscriptions in China to a staggering 50+ million! …

The guy’s over at Gadget Republic have posted remarkable photos of this 1:1 replica of Megatron, the evil leader of the Desepticons, in tank mode. …

Google have finally released the Honeycomb 3.0 SDK for developers. The SDK (special developers kit) allows devs to make applications especially for Android tablets and …

Androidify is a great little fun app developed by both Google and Larva Labs and available as a free download at the Android store, and …

Rumor has it that the long over due Macboook Pro update will be ready for sale in just 2 days, which coincedentally also happens to …

If you are getting itchy palms and feeling a considerable sum of money burning a hole in your pocket, you may want to slap 800 …

Viewsonic have released the Viewpad 7inch Android tablet recently in Beijing. The latest tablet from Viewsonic supports both GSM and CDMA meaning that it will …

The U.S electronics giant Best Buy has announced today that they will close all 9 of its stores on the Chinese mainland. A press release …

ZTE are getting their Android game on for 2011, yesterday we got wind of their new V11 Android 3.0 Tablet, and today brings us details …

Google are really pushing ahead with the Android store. Only a few weeks ago a web based version of the store was launched will allows …

ZTE have just released details of their latest Android tablet a fully fledged 10 inch Android 3.0 offering! The V11, as it is currently known …

ZTE are back in the news again but this time with the launch of their new V11 tablet. Pricing is still anybody’s guess, but specification …

A new high speed railway service is getting ready for action linking Beijing to Shanghai. the new root is currently being tested and is planned …

Last week Apple published details of how more than 100 Chinese factory workers were poisoned after coming in to contact with the chemical N-Hexane. The …

Looking at Apple’s latest profits, and judging by where a large chunk of those profits come from, China incase you don’t check out the link, …

We had already posted details about HTC’s first step in to the Android tablet battle ground here with hands on video. Now Chinese gadget website …

HTC have finally jumped on to the Android tablet bandwagon with their new Android 2.4 running Flyer Tablet. The Flyer will feature a 7 inch …

With most Android tablets and phones packing at least a 1Ghz single come CPU and around 512MB of RAM these days, it seems a bit …

If you are out in the mountains, remote area or just forgot your charger. Having a flat cell phone battery can be a serious inconvenience, …

Lenovo have had a great year! The Chinese PC maker, and 4th largest in the world have just posted a 25% increase in profits for …