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iPhone-Like Security Now on Samsung Smartphones: Everything You Need to Know

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Apple Reduces iPhone Prices in India Following Import Duty Cuts

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OpenAI Announces AI-Powered Search Engine, Challenging Google

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We’re unsure if this is really a knock off Samsung Galaxy S (as the video claims) or a real hand set, but either way getting …

Sounding like the name of a cheesy 70’s Kung Fu move the ‘Breast Goddesses Cell Phone Holder’ is the name given to those well endowed …

China’s 2 largest software companies Tencent (developers of the famous QQ software) and 360 (developers of a hugely popular anti-virus system) have been at each …

China’s three major telecom operators will soon be battling over a new field. The app market field. China Unicom are currently testing their Wostore application …

We’ve already posted news on Huawei’s bargain Android handset, but our friends over at ChiiTech have spilt the beans on two new Android 2.2 running …

If you just want something to chuck in your backpack so you can keep connected at school or on the road this $90 Android tablet …

Heading to Qingdao, Shandong any time in the future? Then this is a must have for any iPhone, iPod or iPad owner. The app is …

Its literally been days since confirmation of a Sony PSP phone made headlines, but that relatively short passage of time has been more than enough …

Last week we posted a rather convincing looking Vaio TT netbook clone available in Shenzhen for an amazing 1500 Yuan! ($225) Not only was the …

Nanshan Experimental School in Shenzhen have bought 88 new iPads for it’s first grade students. The school and parents came to the unanimous agreement to …

We’ve already covered a bunch of iPad stands ranging from the fancy to the simple. But perhaps just going out and buying a stand stems …

Are you a cheapskate like me? Did you buy a bottom of the range car? Do you now wish you had sprung the extra cash …

Here’s a video of the wonder table we posted pictures of  last week. We get to see the connection and the use of a dedicated …

Back when the iPad had been officially unmasked and we eagerly waited it’s launch the Shenzhen based electronics companies rushed out prototypes and mock ups …

Oh man! If only we’d known about this camera last week for Halloween! Sure it looks like your standard 5 mega-pixel camera and yes it …

Oh dear! Oh deary me! All the rumors pointed at a November launch of a smaller 7-8 inch iPad. All the gadget blogs said it …

Back in the 80’s the idea of a watch acting as a phone, camera and music player was the stuff of dreams. Or did it …

The Shanzhai market is really hotting up with customers demanding better clones are more features and this Windows Mobile totting iPhone 4 clone is proof …

We were wondering when the next generation of Macbook Air clones would launch, and we didn’t have too wait long.

The pounding on my door and persistent ringing of the door bell marks the start of Halloween night and also the end of the month. …